Roswell Rotary Relays

Every spring, since 1996

Every spring, since 1996, the Roswell Rotary Club and Roswell High School have sponsored an invitational track meet. The purpose of this sponsorship is to provide a high profile opportunity for high school track & field teams from throughout Georgia to compete against the best in the state. Annually 25 to 30 high schools are represented with both boys and girls teams participating. A full slate of field events are held in the morning session followed by track and relay events in the afternoon. The strong emphasis on relay events builds a spirit of teamwork among the athletes and creates a high energy atmosphere during the daylong event.

Bringing together volunteers

The Rotary Relays present an opportunity for the service clubs of Roswell High School to work at the event and earn community service points. At the heart of the volunteer corps is the Interact Club. We also have volunteer AAU officials who run the events with assistance from the service club volunteers and Roswell Rotary Club volunteers. The Relays are also a major fund raiser for the Roswell High School Booster Club. Money is raised from entry fees, the sale of tickets to the event as well as the operation of the concession stand at the stadium.

Promoting Roswell Rotary

The Roswell Rotary Relays is a true community wide event and we hope you will join your friends and neighbors in supporting this year’s event. The 24th Annual Roswell Rotary Relays will be held at Roswell High School on Saturday March 20, 2021 from 9:00 AM until the last race has been run. We hope to see you there!!

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