The Mission:  To honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the country and the American citizens.  Thousands of people from Roswell and the surrounding areas join in that honoring those men and women who bravely fought so that we can enjoy the freedom that they fought for.  This event is held at Roswell City Hall.

The Remembrance: Pre-ceremony, patriotic-themed music will kicked off at 10:15 a.m. with the official program getting underway at 11 a.m. The event features the presentation of colors, singing of the National Anthem, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, an invocation, laying of the wreath, Lest We Forget POW-MIA tribute and a keynote speech.

The program concluded with a 21-gun salute and Taps. Close to four thousand men, women and children enjoy the picnic and band on the grounds following the ceremony. Planning for this event starts almost a year in advance and involves over 100 Rotarians and many volunteers and City of Roswell employees the day of the event. This year will be the twenty fourth anniversary of this event.

Lunch Meeting: In addition, the meeting immediately prior to Memorial Day allows Roswell Rotary to honor these men and women with a special speaker, the honor guard and bag pipes.

Partner Involvement
City of Roswell Roswell Interact Club Roswell Police Department Roswell Parks & Recreation Department