President's Message Giving Back
Giving is more than an activity. It is a way of life and a beacon in the search for hope in troubled times. Giving to Rotary allows us to do special local and international projects. We see those who need help uplifted as we serve. Through giving, we find our own meaning and purpose. This week Cheryl, Jon Paul Croom, Langdon Hollingsworth, and Lisa Carlisle will share how the money our club contributes to the foundation allows us to fund projects such the Wellstar Zero Suicide Prevention Initiative thanks to a competitive district grant, an update on the recently rewarded global grant in Panama, and some food for thought - why our giving should never stop.
This Week's Speaker Foundation
Cheryl Greenway is a Past President of our club, a Past District Governor and continues to serve District 6900 as the Foundation Chair. The Rotary International Foundation is consistently one of the highest rated organizations on Charity Navigators list and one of the best places to donate money if you want it to get to those in need. As Club President, Cheryl led the club to the Best Club recognition as well as being individually awarded the District 6900 Sheffield Leadership Award. She is a Major Donor, Paul Harris Fellow Society Member, Bequest Society Member, a Will Watt Fellow and a Hue Thomas Fellow. Cheryl feels blessed to be a second generation Rotarian. Her father was in the Roswell Rotary Club from the early 1960's until his passing in 1991. She is a member of RUMC and loves traveling and reading.
Thursdays, 11:45 - 1:15 PM | Holiday Inn Meeting Protocol Virtual and In-Person
You can participate either way. 1) Join us at the Holiday Inn. We have expanded our space to all three ballrooms and have requested additional tables be added with fewer seats per table. The Holiday Inn is located behind the Olive Garden at 909 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30076. 2) Join us virtually at 12:15pm by computer, tablet or phone via CLICKING/TAPPING THIS LINK. If you are asked, the password is Roswell.
Valentine's Gift Bags Rotary Has a Heart for Seniors
It is February! Let us show our love for seniors by providing gift bags on Valentines Day. We need lotion, lip balm, body wash, deodorant, puzzle books with extra large print, trivia and coloring books, non-skid socks, soft mints, and facial wet wipes. Please bring your donation to our meeting this Thursday, Feb. 11th. We will deliver 121 bags to seniors at Green Street Nursing Home on Sunday, Feb. 14th.
Feb 26 / Mar 02 at Gate City When Roswell needs blood, where does it come from?
As amazing as we are, we Georgians haven't been able to manufacturer blood. Yet we can't live without it. While we make our own blood, you or someone you know has needed blood. Ask 3 fellow Rotarians, and between the 4 of you, you know someone whose medical care required blood. Even if you are the 2 out of 3 people who is not eligible to donate, you can help by inviting someone to participate in our upcoming blood drive. And if you are eligible to give, just look in the mirror and invite yourself! BONUS: Give a Pint? Get a Pint! Thanks to Pat Rains and Gate City Brewery, whoever gives a pint of blood gets a gift of a pint of beer -- to be enjoyed anytime over the next 6 months! And our friends at Amazon are adding in a $5 Gift Card! Roswell Rotary is hosting 2 dates at Gate City Brewery. For details and to "reserve your table", please go to and in the “Find a Blood Drive” box, enter “RoswellRotary” (no space between the words). Fri, Feb 26 11a - 4p and Tue, Mar 02, 11a - 4p ALSO: Volunteers are needed both days to help with sign-in and the commissary. Contact John Reddick if you're interested in volunteering for a few hours.
Rotary Last Week