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July 28, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

8/6 Unstoppable Branding - Stacy Ruth
8/13 State Treasurer - Lynne Riley
8/20 Federal Prison Operations - Darlene Drew


7/28 Installation Party
8/12 Hump Day
8/27 Blood drive
8/29 Rivers Alive

Our Rotary Family

7/1 George Polatty, Jr.
7/2 Victoria Majchszak
7/5 Bob Hagan
7/6 Jack Wyche
7/7 Eddie Smith
7/8 Allison Judy
7/9 Stanley Moses
7/11 Craig Simons
7/12 Andy Williams
7/13 Dick Anthony
7/13 Scott Moscow
7/14 Matthew Ashman
7/15 Malone Dodson
7/16 Mike McRay
7/17 Jack Tolbert, Jr.
7/18 Susan Church
7/18 Debra Ewing
7/19 Alex Kaufman
7/19 Mark Snoddy
7/23 Dave Nelson
7/23 Steven Palmer
7/27 Walt Woliver
7/29 Matt Thomas
7/30 Dick Zorn
7/30 Samuel Pittman
7/31 Tom Lynch


7/1 Larry Harman (13)
21 years in Rotary
7/1 Kay Love (13)
7/7 Zachary Fields (4)
7/9 Tom Wright, Jr. (0)
38 years in Rotary
7/11 John Ross (3)
7/12 Rich Austin (8)
7/16 Joanna Spencer (5)
7/16 Don Horton (5)
7/16 Harvey Smith, III (28)
7/17 Dr. Betty Price (6)
7/17 Mike Agurkis (6)
7/17 Chris S Nelson (6)
7/17 Mark Snoddy (17)
20 years in Rotary
7/19 Ed Vaught, Jr. (5)
34 years in Rotary
7/20 Robert Button (20)
7/20 Michael Hernandez (20)
7/20 Don Rolader (20)
27 years in Rotary
7/22 Becky Stone (11)
7/25 Jack Tolbert, Jr. (35)
7/25 Pat Rains (12)
7/26 Joe Mazzeo (2)
7/26 Dave Hallman (19)
7/26 Zach Hunt (2)
7/27 Jo Anne Wright (3)
10 years in Rotary
7/28 John Webster (9)
7/28 Jack Wyche (15)
7/28 Chris Archer (9)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President Lynne Lindsay
President-Elect Terry Taylor
Immediate PP Gordon Owens
Treasurer Alex Kaufman
Secretary John Carruth
Foundation Don Horton
Membership Mike Agurkis
Service Nancy Alterman
Public Image Lee Patrick, III


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
A Ring of Hope

Did you ever wonder how the tradition of the Rotary Bell began?

In 1922, U.S. Rotarians organized a contest to see which club could most increase their meeting attendance.

The challenge was that the losing clubs would join in giving the winning club a prize. The Rotary Club of New York City was declared the winner and awarded as a prize, a bell from a popular patrol boat the HMS “Victory”.

Since then, we ring the bell to represent  order, discipline and the time to guide us through the weekly meetings. The bell informs us of the beginning of the meeting at which time we salute the US flag. The sounding of the bell concludes meetings.

As we guide ourselves through unchartered waters, may the ringing of the bell provide you a message of direction and hope. 

Monday, September 14th, 2020
Sponsor Our Tournament

We need the help of EVERY member of Roswell Rotary as we prepare for this years tournament.  Join us at the Country Club of Roswell for a fun day of golf, tennis and good times. Simply click here to access the commitment form to purchase a sponsorship or ticket to one of our great tournament events:


Wednesday, August 19th /6:30PM-8:00PM
Free Tennis Clinic

Do you need to tune up your game before the tennis tournament on September 14th?  Thanks to Lee Hollingsworth for sponsoring a tennis clinic for players of all levels.  Join us at Brookfield Country Club for tennis, fun and fellowship.

Wednesday, August 12th | 5:30PM - 8PM
Hump Day & Prospective Member Social

Join your fellow Rotarians for a bit of fun mid-week. Bring a prospective member or your significant other.  The first round is on Pres. Lynne.  We  will arrange for some light fare to munch on while we enjoy a few beers. We hope to see you there!

Charity Spotlight
Jacob’s Ladder


To believe in the potential of each child who enters our doors, while readily and lovingly expressing that belief. To provide intense interaction and stimulation consistently and daily to enable the brain to change based on the input and stimulation it receives.

Fast Facts:

• Founded in 1998.

• Jacob's Ladder is a neurodevelopmental school and therapy center serving students Pre-K through 12th grade with any kind of neurological disorder from Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury to a range of learning disabilities, genetic disorders, and mood disorders including Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Bipolar, and Anxiety Disorder. 60% of the students have been diagnosed with Autism.

• The school assesses each child based on their current level of function, and provides a customized program developed to meet each student’s individual needs and learning style.

• The Jacob’s Ladder Methodology harnesses the premises of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change based on the input and stimulation it receives.

• JL serves 60 students on-site and an average of 10 students per year through in-home services.

• JL also offer the Jacob’s Ladder Model of Intervention for children, teens and adults in its Therapy Center on an hourly basis.

• Since 1998, Jacob's Ladder has provided evaluations and tailored training to over 2,500 families from virtually every state and 5 continents.

Find out more:


Rotary Last Week

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