RRC Makes a Difference
Program July 21-Huskies and Summer Surfing

Don't Miss this Program!

MISSION:  To help anyone in the Crabapple Middle School Community with lodging or food needs.  

Some background on this program from Becky Nelson: "Huskies Helping Huskies started in November, 2015 when the national Shop with a Cop program stopped funding middle school students for their trip to purchase $100 worth of Holiday gifts for themselves with a police officer escort.  They had to cancel due to lack of funding.  Linda Porter smiled when I walked in the office that day (for our girls were students at CMS) and asked if I could help the school counselor create a new event.  I knew, with the help of Roswell Rotary, I could.  Within 48 hours, we had Wal-mart engaged along with John Albers who was inviting the Civil Servants as our Hero Escorts.  A month later, we hosted 35 Crabapple Middle School students reflecting 23 families with a $100 gift card and an escort. While the students shopped, their families enjoyed a festive Christmas Party in the Wal-mart break room with Santa and Karaoke.  They ate breakfast donated by McDonalds and took home lunch donated by Walgreens + a 10lb plastic bucket with food for the holidays, $100 worth of gift cards for gasoline, Aurora movie and Dairy Queen treats.   

 A month later, Jamie Manenti, Holly Smith, Jenny Haley and I met to decide to make HHH official. More stories to come on Thursday about how HHH has made a positive impact in hundreds of lives affected by divorce, medical emergencies, unexpected job loss/interruption, unexpected lease termination or rent hike... And the rest is RRC history!"

And more from Thursday's Program

Be looking for a cool surprise from Georgia Ensemble Theater with a little Summer Surfing entertainment!

Posted by Susan Rumble
July 19, 2022


This Year’s Posts: