Where the Wild Thing Are
Program August 11- Chattahoochee Nature Center

Supporting Roswell Community

Excited to welcome Chattahoochee Nature Center to Roswell Rotary on Thursday! Bob Hagan will get us started off with introductions and we'll hear from Natasha Rice, President and CEO and David Miles, Senior Director Resource Development, who will fill us in on what's happening at the center. Click Read More for more information about Natasha and David!  

For a special treat, we will have an animal encounter with Christie Hill who is bringing in one of the wild creatures currently making its home at CNC. Don't miss this chance for an up close view of what the Chattahoochee Nature Center is providing to our community. Hoot hoot!

Bio Natasha Rice, President & CEO

Email Address: n.rice@chattnaturecenter.org

Education: Rutgers College – BA, Georgetown University - MBA

Career Start: Started in the non-profit industry at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta

Years of Experience: 20+

Natasha B. Rice has had experience as a management consultant, commercial banker, and volunteer to environmental nonprofits, along with running facilities, operations, human resources, and information technology divisions throughout her career.  Her journey with the Chattahoochee Nature Center began in June 2021 and she has enjoyed every minute of it.

The mission of the Chattahoochee Nature Center (CNC) is connecting people to nature.  For almost 50 years, the Chattahoochee Nature Center has promoted stewardship of Georgia’s natural resources and provided outdoor recreation opportunities to more than 3 million visitors.  The 127 acre campus is vital to the region serving as the connecting point and gathering spot for community organizations, improving the community’s overall health and well-being, connecting individuals to various outdoor recreation opportunities, and, most importantly, educating thousands of students and visitors about the importance of Georgia’s environment.  

CNC is often referred to as a “gateway” to a life-long connection to the outdoors.  We provide safe and unique experiences that give individuals confidence to continue to more robust outdoor recreation adventures.  In addition, the campus serves as a critical watershed to the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (CRNRA). The staff is nationally certified as naturalists and provide interpretation and environmental education to further the stewardship of this precious natural resource.

 Bio David Miles Senior Director Resource Development

Email Address: d.miles@chattnaturecenter.org

Education: VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Economics with a minor in Business Administration

Most Recent Role: Board Chair (3 years) Chastain Park Conservancy Atlanta, GA Jan 2015 - Dec 2021

26-member Board and staff of 5 for one of Atlanta’s major regional parks (268 acres)

Years of Experience: 25+ sales

David Miles has had experience as a non-profit Board Chair (Chastain Park Conservancy), Sales and Business Development Leader, and been involved in two entrepreneurial efforts throughout his career.   He received his degree from VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Economics with a minor in Business Administration.  On a personal note, he grew up in Evansville, IN. David and his wife, Kelly, have been married 27 years. They have three kids (Sarah Jane 24, Patrick 21, and Charlie 18) who he enjoys to travel with and spend time in his garden.  His journey with the Chattahoochee Nature Center will began on Wednesday, June 15 2022 – please help me welcoming him...

The mission of the Chattahoochee Nature Center (CNC) is connecting people to nature.  For almost 50 years, the Chattahoochee Nature Center has promoted stewardship of Georgia’s natural resources and provided outdoor recreation opportunities to more than 3 million visitors.  The 127 acre campus is vital to the region serving as the connecting point and gathering spot for community organizations, improving the community’s overall health and well-being, connecting individuals to various outdoor recreation opportunities, and, most importantly, educating thousands of students and visitors about the importance of Georgia’s environment.  

CNC is often referred to as a “gateway” to a life-long connection to the outdoors.  We provide safe and unique experiences that give individuals confidence to continue to more robust outdoor recreation adventures.  In addition, the campus serves as a critical watershed to the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (CRNRA). The staff is nationally certified as naturalists and provide interpretation and environmental education to further the stewardship of this precious natural resource.

Posted by Susan Rumble
August 9, 2022


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