Let's Talk About Water
Program Sept 27: Chris Boyd and Brian Watson

Do you ever think about how our Roswell water is clean and delicious? These past few weeks Roswell Rotarians partnered with other groups to send clean water to Mississippi. We often take for granted our crystal clear, tasty Roswell water!

This week we will hear from the award winning Roswell Waterworks team:

Brian J. Watson, P.E., P.H., D.WRE, Deputy Director of Environmental/Public Works The Roswell Environmental/Public Works Department oversees services pertaining to water, sanitation, environmental compliance/education, and engineering.

Chris Boyd, Water Utility Manager The Roswell Water Utility is proud to serve approximately 5,600 customers. The City operates the Roswell Water Treatment Plant, which is capable of producing 3.3 million gallons of water per day and maintains 89 miles of distribution waterline mains in order to get the highest quality water delivered to the customer.

The City has been the recipient, for 4 years in a row, of the Gold Award which is given to treatment plants which meet above all of the state standards for water production.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear about the fantastic job being done in the City of Roswell to make sure the taps run clean for us all.

Posted by Susan Rumble
September 27, 2022


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