Dave McCleary's invite: May 4th - 6th, 2023
Join RI President Jennifer Jones at The International Peace Conference - Birmingham Alabama

We are looking forward to the 2023 International Peace Conference on May 4-6 right here in the heart of the South! This conference will feature over 80 speakers from across the globe who will speak on topics such as human trafficking, reducing violence in our communities, education, social justice, empowerment of women and much more. The Human Trafficking program is particularly strong, bringing many of the best presenters I have encountered over my years of working on this issue. We will have panels on: HT and the Law, with panelists who have compiled all the national and international laws on HT; HT in the Business, with presenters from Delta, Motel 6, and Amazon; HT and Law Enforcement,  the Alabama Anti-Human Trafficking Alliance, one of the few statewide coordinating efforts in the US, as well as national law enforcement representatives; and several more.

In addition to the Human Trafficking panels and presentations, there will also be speakers on Empowering Women and Girls, some of whom are also either treating trafficking victims or educating girls on how to avoid the dangers of traffickers; on domestic violence; and, on preventing child marriage.

This is a “don’t miss” event! Take advantage of the great lineup of speakers and convene with others who are dedicated to ending human trafficking as well as many more who are building peace in other ways, including the largest group of Rotary Peace Fellows you are ever likely to encounter in one place at one time.  

Join us as we come together to learn how we can #buildpeace. To learn more about @ipeace2023, visit: International Peace Conference or contact Dave McCleary at dave.m@ragas.online
Posted by Hal Schlenger
May 4, 2023


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