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September 6, 2018


September is Basic Education and Literacy Month

9/6 Career & Technical Education w/Matthew Gambill
9/20 Mentoring our Youth - Ron Clark, Ron Clark Academy
9/27 Peace - Malek Jandali, Pianos for Peace


9/7 Goody Bag Packing Party
9/10 40th Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament
9/10 6th Annual Hagan Cup Classic Tennis Tournament
9/10 Dancing With The Wolff's After Party

Our Rotary Family

9/2 Mishel Miller
9/4 Terry Taylor
9/4 Roger Wise, Jr.
9/5 Bill Swank, II
9/6 Robert McIntyre
9/6 Rudy Lind
9/12 Alesia Booth
9/14 Carleton Ohly
9/14 Chuck Savage
9/14 Lynn Dunn
9/16 Scott Morchower
9/17 Mike Agurkis
9/17 John Webster
9/18 Kadijah Vickers
9/20 Jeff Bridges
9/22 Lorraine Head
9/23 Drayton Robertson
9/24 Chris Archer
9/26 Brooke Foxman
9/27 Dave McCleary
9/30 Anita Farley


9/7 Sid Disher (9)
9/8 Jeff Bridges (13)
9/8 Karen Schwank (7)
9/15 Ian Mari (2)
9/15 Michael Thompson (2)
9/18 Debbie Cwalina (4)
9/18 Brian Hansford (4)
6 years in Rotary
9/24 Tod Baker (3)
9/26 Patsy Wolff (27)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075




President Becky Stone
President-Elect Gordon Owens
Immediate PP Lisa Carlisle
Treasurer Gordon Owens
Treasurer Terry Taylor
Secretary Lynne Lindsay
Public Image Karen Schwank


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Roswell Rotary Rocks

September 10will be a day of fun, fellowship and fundraising with golf, tennis, silent auction and After Party! We will draw the name of the winner for the 2 tickets to Super Bowl 53 in Atlanta in Feb. You have to purchase a ticket to win! Our goal is to have EVERY member participate in a meaningful way!

We raised over $6000 last Thursday with the Ball Drop Competition and $1600 selling raffle tickets at the RHS football game on Friday night! It has been great to see so many members engaged in raising money to help the Roswell community!

THANK YOU to those of you who are working hard on the tournament, sponsoring golf and tennis, organizing tennis clinics, bringing in auction items and buying and selling raffle tickets! Together, we will make this the BEST YEAR EVER! Let’s finish strong!

This Week's Speaker
Matthew Gambill

Our speaker this week is Matthew Gambill, Executive Director for the Georgia Association for Career & Technical Education. He will update us on the state of career and technical education in Georgia. As you know, Roswell Rotary has supported construction education in the Roswell cluster of schools for the last several years. There are now construction clubs in 6 of our elementary schools, construction classes in both middle schools and RHS is the only construction education program in North Fulton. This year, through a $10,000 District Grant, we will purchase more construction equipment for RHS, and at the direction of Dale Hales our RHS construction teacher, help with in class instruction, mentoring and serving on the advisory board. Our members will also continue to volunteer with Toolbox, the construction clubs at the elementary schools. It is vital for our students to know that there are lots of options after high school and our construction industry professionals need a pipeline of trained students coming out of high school. This is a national issue and being addressed by people like Mike Rowe who is working to close the skills gap in America.
