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March 24, 2020


March is Water and Sanitation Month



5/25 Memorial Day - Roswell Remembers
8/29 Sweep The Hooch


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

3/2 Rob Sanborn
3/4 Tillie O'Neal
3/7 Nancy Alterman
3/8 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz
3/10 Jacob Harcrow
3/10 JP Watson
3/11 Jon-Paul Croom
3/12 Zach Hunt
3/12 Kevin Benscoter
3/15 Rich Austin
3/20 Charles Pettett
3/21 Amy Brannen
3/26 Robert Fezza
3/27 Hal Schlenger
3/30 Don Horton
3/30 Darrell Bartlett


3/1 Tom Wright, Jr. (7)
38 years in Rotary
3/2 Gene Beckham, III (20)
3/4 Ken Briggs (38)
3/5 Mike Prewett (5)
14 years in Rotary
3/7 Terry Taylor (7)
3/7 Michael Sutton (13)
3/7 Bruce Peoples (7)
3/7 Amy Brannen (7)
3/9 Todd Byars (14)
3/9 Jacque Digieso (14)
27 years in Rotary
3/9 Syd Mostajabi (11)
3/10 Mickey Deaton (15)
3/10 Keller Torrey (15)
3/10 Vivian Bankston (15)
3/10 Jeff McCoy (15)
3/11 Lisa Carlisle (10)
3/11 Lynne Lindsay (10)
3/11 Michael Gould (10)
3/11 Rich Dippolito (10)
3/12 Gordon Owens (9)
3/13 Stanley Moses (40)
3/14 William May (7)
3/14 Jerry Orlans (18)
29 years in Rotary
3/16 Scott Morchower (4)
3/16 Katha Stuart (4)
3/17 Walt Woliver (11)
24 years in Rotary
3/17 Danny Tompkins (11)
21 years in Rotary
3/17 John Albers (9)
3/17 Jim Swain (11)
19 years in Rotary
3/17 Tim McFarlin (9)
3/17 Lee Hollingsworth (11)
19 years in Rotary
3/18 Becky Nelson (6)
3/21 Jim Broadway (35)
3/22 Ron Redner (36)
3/24 Dennis Eidson (9)
3/24 Bill Houck (4)
3/25 David Wash (11)
3/28 Sally White (24)
3/28 Bob Clarkson (1)
3/28 Leonard Greski (1)
3/28 Jacob Harcrow (1)
3/30 Rudy Lind (20)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Good Spirits

I spent time last week checking in on some of our Rotarian owned or operated businesses. I was encouraged by the good spirits people were in. I am especially encouraged by how quickly our business community has adapted to the current situation and found ways to serve their client's needs despite restrictions. Our non-profit community is equally impressive in their ability to adapt. We will be ok!

How You Can Help

Many of you have reached out to me with offers to volunteer and to see how you can help serve others in this time of need. Here are a few ways that I am aware of to support the community:

  • DONATE - our club has setup a fund to get money in the hands of the organizations on the front lines of this fight
  • Used Laptops Needed - Every Women Works is looking for used laptops to continue training classes remotely. Contact Nancy Alterman.
  • SUPPORT THE ARTS - Georgia Ensemble Theatre is looking for donations or gift card purchases to help get them through this tough time.
  • PAY DUES - visit our club website, login and see if you have an outstanding balance (check in the header, next to the search box), click on the balance and then click the pay button to pay online. If you can't figure this out, call Alicia at (678) 283-7098

Self Quarantine Extended To April 6, 2020
Governor Updates Executive Orders

Today I will issue an executive order requiring the Department of Public Health to require certain individuals with an increased risk of complications from COVID-19 to isolate, quarantine, or shelter in place.

At minimum, this order for isolation, quarantine, or shelter in place covers those who live in a long-term care facility, have chronic lung disease, are undergoing cancer treatment, have a positive COVID-19 test, are suspected to have COVID-19 because of their symptoms and exposure, or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19.

The Department of Public Health will promulgate rules and regulations to implement this order and define how these individuals can access essential services, travel, and receive visitors in end-of-life circumstances.

This order will close all bars and nightclubs, and it will ban all gatherings of ten or more people unless you can maintain at least six feet between people at all times. The Department of Public Health will be empowered to close any business, establishment, non-profit, or organization for noncompliance. These measures were developed using guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Georgia Department of Public Health. This order will go into effect at noon tomorrow and expire at noon on Monday, April 6, 2020.

Bob Hagan Reminds Us...
Rotarians Have Seen This Before

While Afghanistan has 2 confirmed cases and Pakistan has 21 confirmed cases since January 1 to March 3, 2020, these are the only two countries reporting cases of polio and Africa expects to be polio free in 2020. With the coronavirus now affecting our daily lives and how we conduct business, the polio epidemic of the past can offer guidance for getting through COVID-19.

Read How The Polio Epidemic Offers Guidance For Getting Through COVID-19

Vaccines give us a way to protect ourselves individually and create a safer world as well as giving us peace of mind that we sometimes take for granted. Polio showed the world that science can find a solution. A new polio vaccine is being developed which would have a substantially lower risk of seeding new outbreaks.

Rotary has been at the center of the fight to eradicate polio for more than three decades. Rotarians everywhere should be proud of the work we’ve accomplished and Rotary remains fully committed to the pursuit of a polio-free world. Because of the efforts of Rotary and our partners, nearly 19 million people who would otherwise have been paralyzed are walking, and more than 1.5 million people are alive who would otherwise have died.

Additional Updates & Information

Information (click the title to learn more):


  • Sweep The Hooch moved to August 29
  • Blood Drive tentatively rescheduled for August 27
  • Azalea Festival - most events have been cancelled or postponed

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