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July 21, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/23 Behavioral Health - Dr. Ryan Breshears
8/6 GA Tech Athletic Dir. - Todd Stansbury
8/13 State Treasurer - Lynne Riley


7/28 Installation Party
8/12 Hump Day
8/27 Blood drive
8/29 Rivers Alive


President Lynne Lindsay
President-Elect Terry Taylor
Immediate PP Gordon Owens
Treasurer Alex Kaufman
Secretary John Carruth
Foundation Don Horton
Membership Mike Agurkis
Service Nancy Alterman
Public Image Lee Patrick, III


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online



To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

7/1 George Polatty, Jr.
7/2 Victoria Majchszak
7/5 Bob Hagan
7/6 Jack Wyche
7/7 Eddie Smith
7/8 Allison Judy
7/9 Stanley Moses
7/11 Craig Simons
7/12 Andy Williams
7/13 Dick Anthony
7/13 Scott Moscow
7/14 Matthew Ashman
7/15 Malone Dodson
7/16 Mike McRay
7/17 Jack Tolbert, Jr.
7/18 Susan Church
7/18 Debra Ewing
7/19 Alex Kaufman
7/19 Mark Snoddy
7/23 Dave Nelson
7/23 Steven Palmer
7/27 Walt Woliver
7/29 Matt Thomas
7/30 Dick Zorn
7/30 Samuel Pittman
7/31 Tom Lynch


7/1 Larry Harman (13)
21 years in Rotary
7/1 Kay Love (13)
7/7 Zachary Fields (4)
7/9 Tom Wright, Jr. (0)
38 years in Rotary
7/11 John Ross (3)
7/12 Rich Austin (8)
7/16 Joanna Spencer (5)
7/16 Don Horton (5)
7/16 Harvey Smith, III (28)
7/17 Dr. Betty Price (6)
7/17 Mike Agurkis (6)
7/17 Chris S Nelson (6)
7/17 Mark Snoddy (17)
20 years in Rotary
7/19 Ed Vaught, Jr. (5)
34 years in Rotary
7/20 Robert Button (20)
7/20 Michael Hernandez (20)
7/20 Don Rolader (20)
27 years in Rotary
7/22 Becky Stone (11)
7/25 Jack Tolbert, Jr. (35)
7/25 Pat Rains (12)
7/26 Joe Mazzeo (2)
7/26 Dave Hallman (19)
7/26 Zach Hunt (2)
7/27 Jo Anne Wright (3)
10 years in Rotary
7/28 John Webster (9)
7/28 Jack Wyche (15)
7/28 Chris Archer (9)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Change Agents

Last Thursday was a first for Roswell Rotary as we hosted a mix of online and in person meeting. Combined, 75 Roswell Rotarians took part. We proved that Rotary is a flexible gathering that offers ways for everyone who wants to stay connected.

In the words of Paul Harris, we must be revolutionary from time to time. Now is such a time for us to embrace change that will strength us as we remain true to our core values. 

This Week's Speaker
Behavioral Health

Dr. Ryan Breshears is a board-certified clinical health psychologist and healthcare leader skilled in the development of strategy and programs in the behavioral health and wellness arenas. A native of Georgia, Dr. Breshears obtained his undergraduate and doctorate degrees from the University of Georgia. After concluding his residency in Denver, Dr. Breshears returned to the greater-Atlanta area where he serves as the Chief Behavioral Health Officer for Wellstar Health System and the Director of Psychology and Psychiatry for the Wellstar Medical Group. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, he has led Wellstar’s system-wide strategy to support the emotional needs of the workforce. In practice, he works with patients with complex medical conditions, providing neuropsychological evaluations and health psychology interventions.

Thursday, July 16th-August 6th| 11:45 - 1:15 PM | Holiday Inn
Meeting Protocol

Join us at the Holiday Inn.   Please arrive by 11:45AM and make your way to a table. Do not add chairs to the tables as they are preset.  Please do not change seats once you have been seated. We will start calling table numbers to go through the buffet at 11:45AM so we can start at 12:15PM. The Holiday Inn is located behind the Olive Garden at 909 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30076.

Tuesday, July 28th 6:30 PM
RSVP For The Installation Party

Join us as we celebrate the installation of our new officers. The Chattahoochee Nature Center has graciously provided their pavilion for an evening of fellowship. Dinner will be catered by Lucia’s and we will rock the night away with tunes performed by the Martins Landing Band. This is an outdoor event, but seating is limited at 150.

You may purchase tickets by clicking the link below, sign up at our weekly meeting or email Alicia. 

You will not want to miss it! 


Monday, September 14th, 2020
Sponsor Our Tournament

We need the help of EVERY member of Roswell Rotary as we prepare for this years tournament.  Join us at the Country Club of Roswell for a fun day of golf, tennis and good times. Simply click here to access the commitment form to purchase a sponsorship or ticket to one of our great tournament events:

Back to School
NFCC Backpack and Teacher Supplies Collection

Donations are needed for NFCC  backpacks and teacher classroom supplies.  Volunteers are also needed  to help pack the backpacks. 

Click here for the list of needed supplies. Backpack List

For more information contact June Brown  at meacert@mindspring.com  or 770-826-2283.   We will be glad to accept cash donations.   

Saturday, August 29th. 8:00AM - 11:30AM
Chattahoochee River Clean Up

Break out your waders and come help us clean up the Hooch. This is a family friendly service project. If you can pick up trash you can assist. Reach out to Dutch Earle if you are interested in participating: hearle@esitalent.com

Charity Spotlight
Chattahoochee Nature Center


To connect people with nature.

Fast Facts:

  • The Chattahoochee Nature Center was founded in 1977.
  • The 127-acre property includes a River Boardwalk, Discovery Center, wetland demonstration gardens, and woodland trails that are home to over 50 species of injured, non-releasable wildlife.
  • Educational programming is offered at CNC Monday through Friday throughout the year for K-12 students, homeschool groups, and community groups.
  • The wildlife department receives more than 3,500 phone calls each year, with topics ranging from animal identification to habitat destruction.
  • The wildlife staff provides medical assistance to injured birds of prey, reptiles, and amphibians with the hope of releasing them back into the wild.
  • CNC has partnered with North Fulton Community Charities to provide NFCC families with fresh fruits and vegetables from the CNC Unity Garden.
  • The CNC / NFCC partnership enables NFCC families to improve their health and nutrition while experiencing a more balanced meal.
  • For the past 8 years, CNC’s Unity Garden has supplied more than 32 tons of fresh produce to the clients of NFCC.
  • The Unity Garden is made possible through Roswell Rotary funding as well as community volunteers who worked over 500 hours last year.

Find out more:


Rotary Last Week

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