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January 3, 2023


January is Vocational Service Month

1/5 End Human Trafficking - Dave McCleary
2/9 Skipper Hoke Leadership Awards
2/23 Leadership 2020


1/17 Human Trafficking Investigations
1/17 Rotary Means Business (district networking event)
1/18 Hump Day - Location TBD
1/21 Human Trafficking Summit


President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




Text: RRC
To: (833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Ken Briggs
1/1 Andrew Dalby
1/1 Ron Redner
1/2 Mitch Stone
1/4 Jere Wood
1/7 Jeff Hamling
1/7 Trummie Patrick
1/10 Chris Good
1/12 Bruce Peoples
1/13 Michael Nielsen
1/14 Chris Webb
1/17 Alicia Hughes
1/20 Evan Coyle
1/21 Gary Garrett
1/23 Kurt Hilbert
1/24 William Noethling, Jr.
1/24 Kay Howell
1/25 David Bourne
1/26 Courtney Lott
1/27 Joseph Kincaid
1/30 William May
1/31 John Reddick
1/31 Blake Turner


1/3 Carleton Ohly (3)
1/4 Paul Lang (33)
1/4 Dick Zorn (33)
1/5 Kathryn Igou (6)
1/5 William Noethling, Jr. (6)
1/11 Ken Davis (16)
1/12 Jere Wood (5)
25 years in Rotary
1/16 Kym Leonard (9)
1/16 Michael Nielsen (26)
1/19 Susan Rumble (12)
1/20 Joseph Kincaid (18)
1/23 Jack Stephens (37)
1/24 Andy Williams (4)
11 years in Rotary
1/28 Chris Good (7)
1/30 Mindy Jones (26)
1/31 A.D. Dalton (38)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John's Message

Welcome Back Roswell Rotary!

 I hope everyone had a great holiday season and is well rested.  As we launch the new year 2023, it’s a great time to reflect on the first six months of our Rotary year of we do best - giving back to our community and having fun while doing it ! 

  • July 4th - nature provided the fireworks (massive thunderstorm) after we enjoyed a great cookout and potluck side
  • Cops ‘N Cars - served burgers to raise money for the Friends of Roswell Police
  • NFCC Back to School Drive - 23 filled backpacks and plus many more items
  • Alive in Roswell - third Thursday fun gatherings on Canton Street
  • 9/11 First Responders Cookout - honored our police and firefighters with help from our Interact clubs
  • Golf & Tennis Tournaments - great day of fun raising money to give back to our community
  • Jackson, Mississippi Water System Crisis - delivered semi-trailer load of bottled water to two local Rotary clubs for distribution in the local schools
  • Interact - sponsoring 10 clubs this year
  • Gary Garrett’s Farm Day - family fun day in the country, 4-wheelers, shotguns, great food
  • RR After Hours Club - twice a month meetings and activities supporting mental health and Suicide Prevention, veterans at the VEO, Unity Garden at CNC, and Toys for Tots
  • Youth Day Parade - prize winning float built by Interactors with leadership from our members
  • World Polio Day - first annual cornhole tournament at Lucky’s raised over $1,100
  • Rotary Foundation - heard from Rotary International Past President John Germ about our efforts to end Polio - raised over $27,000 for the Foundation
  • Career Day at RHS - 16 Rotarians and 8 others shared about their careers
  • Honor Air Basketball Tournament - three days of ticket sales and hospitality to help fund our upcoming spring trip
  • NFCC Christmas Toy Drive
  • Holiday Party - festive time, dancing, tunes spun by the Shag Man

And so much more … Roswell Rotary - you truly rock our community!!

Yes, Dave Wears a Cape
Program Speaker Jan. 5: Dave McCleary

We are so honored to have our own Dave McCleary speaking at our first meeting of 2023. Dave is truly a super hero and a true example of the Power of One. He saw a need and he answered the call in a huge way, causing change in Roswell, Atlanta, the US, and even around the world.

Dave McCleary is a son, husband and father. He is a small business owner from Roswell, Georgia. He is a man with a heart for making a difference in other people’s lives by getting involved. In January of 2012, Dave volunteered as a ‘doorholder’ at the Passion 2012 Conference held in Atlanta. It was there he became aware of the Human Trafficking issue and felt the first sparks of desire to get involved. He learned that it’s not only happening worldwide in impoverished, third world countries, but in his own hometown community and other communities across the U.S. With two teenage daughters of his own, the reality of the issue became real and awareness led to action.

[read more]

Training Opportunity
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is also known as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. It is a key time for us all as individuals to educate ourselves about human trafficking and crucially to learn to spot the signs of trafficking.

   "Around the world, human trafficking has stripped nearly 25 million people of their safety, dignity, and liberty — disproportionately affecting historically underserved and marginalized communities.  During National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we reaffirm our commitment to ending this inhumane and immoral practice in all its forms.  And as we bring perpetrators to justice, we renew our pledge to help survivors recover and rebuild their lives." -From 2023 White House Human Trafficking Prevention Proclamation

The Roswell Rotary Club along with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Roswell Police Department are sponsoring this important training.

What: Human Trafficking Investigations

When: Tuesday, Jan. 17  9am - 2pm

Where: Roswell-Alpharetta Public Safety Training Center 11565 Maxwell Rd. alpharetta, GA 30009

Registration: Contact Ms. Mary Ann Kavouras mkavouras @roswellgov.com or call 770-640-4449 

Sat. Jan. 21
End Human Trafficking Now Event

Our children are in danger! Human traffickers are using personal and online connections to coerce our children. It is happening right here in North Fulton!

The Rotary Club of Alpharetta and End Human Trafficking Now are hosting an event so you can learn more about what is happening right here in our neighborhoods. 

You will learn:

What state and local officials are doing to combat trafficking.

How everyone from corporations to our own children are involved in the fight against HT.

How to identify the characteristics of HT grooming.

How to monitor your child’s online activity.

What to watch for throughout your community.

How to get directly involved. 

When: Saturday, January 21st, 2023. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (Doors open at 8:00am, coffee and refreshments will be available) 

Where: Innovation Academy, 125 Milton Ave., Alpharetta, GA. 

This is a free event, but there is limited seating so you must register through Eventbrite to attend. Scan this code to register:


Give a pint. Get a Pint. Save a life.

April 3, 2022, marked the arrival of my first grandchild, Jonathan Henry Lockstedt. His birth was perfect, having arrived via c-section. Momma, on the other hand, had a different story. My daughter Kristine has a Familia condition of low platelets she inherited from her mom’s side of the family. She only carries 70,000 platelets at any given time, when the national average is 150k to 450k. The condition becomes worse during pregnancy. Kristine dropped all the way down to 19,000 platelets just before birth. Even via infusion of platelets, the doctors were only able to get her up to 31,000. For major surgery, which a c-section is considered, you are supposed to have 50,000. They had to move forward with the procedure, as baby “Henry” was starting to come naturally. The c-section went fine, however an hour after birth, Kristine began to hemorrhage...

ACTION ITEM:  If you are one of the 2 out of 3 people that can NOT give, then please share this story with a friend, coworker or family member who can, and encourage them to donate.  If you can donate, click here to schedule your appointment.  If the good feeling of donating isn’t enough, we’ll give your free snacks afterward plus – and this is a popular one – a coupon for free pint of Gate City’s beer.  Pint for a pint.  Get it?  Now help us get another donor appointment booked.

For more information, contact Jonathan Crooks (jonathancrooks@bellsouth.net); Darrell Bartlett (Darrell.Bartlett@allegion.com) or Hal Schlenger (hschlenger@greatsouthbenefits.com [read more]

RRAH Kicks-Off 2023 with Wellness Discussion

After Hours' next meeting is Tuesday, January 17 at 6:30 at The Artillery Room @ Gate City. They are thrilled to kick-off the new year with a discussion around wellness led by Nurse Practitioner and Stat Wellness owner Kristin Oja. Kristin will provide tips on how to keep both the body and mind strong as we head into another year. This meeting is sure to leave attendees rejuvenated and ready to tackle 2023!

Tue, Jan 17, 6:00p
Business Networking is Better When It's with Fellow Rotarians (12-club event)

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

Bonus: This is also an opportunity for someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Tue, Jan 17 from 6:00 - 8:00pm.   

Location: Eclipse Di Luna,  4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 

For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214 ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com or Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077 HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com

Save the dates
Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic. How will you help?

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!

Human Trafficking Investigations

Add To CalendarTuesday, Jan 17, 9:00am  - 12pm

Rotary Means Business

Add To Calendar Tuesday, Jan 17, 6:00 - 8:00pm

RRAH Next Meeting

Tuesday, Jan 17 6:30pm Artillery Room

Hump Day

Add To Calendar Wednesday, Jan 18 Location to be announced

Next Rotary / Red Cross Blood Drive

Add To Calendar Friday, Jan 27  10:00am - 6:00pm

Shine a Light Human Trafficking Event

Add To Calendar Saturday, Jan. 21 9am - 1pm Innovation Academy

Next Rotary / Red Cross Blood Drive

Add To Calendar Friday, Jan 27  10:00am - 6:00pm
