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August 27, 2024


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/29 Golf Program
9/5 Roswell Communications + 911 Tour after
9/12 No Meeting at Roswell Rotary
9/19 Sandy Weaver - Mental focus, motivational speaker


8/29 Golf and Tennis Committee Meeting
9/5 Golf and Tennis Committee Meeting
9/9 2024 Charity Golf & Tennis Tournament
9/25 "Pint for a Pint" blood drive


President Nancy Alterman
President-Elect Trummie Patrick, III
Treasurer Katie Anderson
Secretary Leslie Bassett
Public Image Kathryn Igou


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




(833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

8/2 Gene Beckham, III
8/5 Charlie Cameron
8/7 Ryan Gehricke
8/8 Alan Christian
8/9 Jennifer Briggs
8/10 Kathryn Igou
8/12 Rick Dreger
8/13 Ross Patton
8/13 Lori Allen
8/15 Betty Price
8/17 Jacque Digieso
8/18 John Albers
8/19 Kathy Teston
8/19 Susan Rumble
8/20 Debbie Cwalina
8/26 Jim Swain
8/26 Grant Miller
8/27 Lori Kirn
8/28 Richard Spencer
8/30 Ted Lescher, Jr.
8/31 Steve Stroud


8/1 William Brooks (1)
8/1 Steven Palmer (8)
8 years in Rotary
8/2 Chris Webb (2)
8/3 John Carruth (29)
8/4 David Young (36)
8/6 Elwyn Gaissert, II (43)
8/12 Robert McIntyre (0)
8/12 Frederick Levy (0)
8/12 Priya Crumpton (0)
8/13 Rick Meer (32)
8/20 Trummie Patrick, III (9)
8/20 John Wolfe (32)
8/23 Jay Pickett, III (6)
8/23 Virginia Martz (2)
8/25 Lynn Dunn (8)
8/28 Lori Kirn (10)
8/29 Lucy Hall (5)
8/29 Katie Anderson (5)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynne Lindsey and all news should be directed to her at lynnehlindsay@outlook.com

Message from the President

Hello Rotarians!

Last week, Wellstar’s Chief Medical Officer spoke about patient advocacy.   Dr. Karim Godamunne suggested the following about your healthcare:  
** It’s your body.
** You are the best advocate for yourself. 
** Your doctors should welcome your requesting a second opinion.
** It’s not about ego; you should know your options. 
** Health insurance is part of our healthcare system.  Your doctor is ready to work with you and the insurance company, including helping you with pre-authorizations and with denial of claims.   
** Having a medical proxy or Medical Power of Attorney should be done now instead of later.
** If a person is interested in “Do Not Resuscitate" instructions, this can be documented simultaneously. Learning more about your medical care and having a plan in place will make the treatment journey easier when it comes to a time that you need it.

At this week’s meeting, we will focus on gearing up for two of our biggest annual events: the Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament and the Hagan Cup Tennis Tournament. These aren’t just fun competitions—they’re the heart of our fundraising efforts, enabling us to continue making a difference through our various service projects and charitable initiatives.

Like the spokes of a wheel, our success depends on everyone’s involvement, whether it’s through volunteering, sponsoring, or participating. The energy and commitment of our members, sponsors, and volunteers keep us rolling forward!

Here’s how you can help:

**Sell Those Ball Drops** The ball drop is always a highlight, and the more balls we sell, the bigger the impact we can make. Reach out to your networks and encourage them to get involved.

**Bring in Auction Items** Our silent auction is a key fundraising component. High-value items like wine, experiences, and unique gifts are always in demand.  Also don’t forget your bourbon for the pull located on a golf hole.

**Sign Up to Play** Don’t miss out on playing! If you don’t have a full foursome for the golf tournament, there’s still time to be added as the fourth player on a team made up of retired football players. You won’t want to miss out so be there for this exciting auction!

**Become a Sponsor** Sponsorships are vital to the success of these tournaments. There are still opportunities for businesses and individuals to step up and support the cause.

These events are not only our major fundraisers but also a great way to bond with your fellow Rotarians. Volunteering is a fun and rewarding experience, giving you the chance to get to know new members and strengthen our community.

Let’s all pull together and make this year’s tournaments the best yet! Whether on the court, on the course, or behind the scenes, your participation fuels the success of our mission to serve others.

Nancy Alterman, President 2024-25
Roswell Rotary
Service above Self

Joe Mazzeo presents Golf Program 2024

Ball Drop - Gift Cards - Wine & Liquor - Players - Sponsors - Donors... All appreciated!!!

So excited about Thursday's meeting-the Annual golf & Tennis Tournament Meeting! 

What to Expect:

  • Thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, and donors.
  • Police vs Fire Dept showing off of the trophy and year two of the rivalry on the greens
  • Auction chance to play with Fire Dept or Police Dept-Terry Taylor
  • Karen Schwank- Update on Silent Auction and some cool items to bid on
  • Angela Medley- Update on wine and liquor donations
  • NFL Foursomes Auction- Play with the pros
  • Ball Drop Contest- 

We want a full house for this meeting! 

Only 27 more days!
Golf & Tennis Tournament-Save the Date


Auction Items Needed for the Golf & Tennis Tournament

LAST CALL FOR SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS!!  Please bring your donations to Karen Schwank on Thursday as we prepare for the silent auction during the golf and tennis tournaments on Sept. 9.

Last week’s winner for the most gift card donations is Frank Brown for his donation of $1,250 in gift cards to Brown & Company.  Frank has also donated 3 pieces of fine jewelry to the auction worth  $4,925 and a $5,900 watch as a prize on a golf hole!  Way to go Frank!!!!  BUT our second prize winner is Jerry Orlans for donating $600 worth of gift cards to Table and Main and Little Alley Steaks along with a $140 gift basket from Aurora Theater.  We would like to thank Vivian Bankston for donating $200 in gift cards also!   These donations will help our auction to be a success but the reality is that silent auction donations from the club have been weak this year.

Karen Schwank and Lori Kirn are busy calling establishments to get donations.    Please help by asking for a gift card when you go out to eat this week or asking a friend if they would donate their vacation home or ballgame tickets.  Your participation is important!!

Update Youth Servcies
Volunteers Still Needed

Big THANK YOU to those who attended or reached out last week to learn more about Youth Services Committee.

Youth Services is open for projects, awards, and recognitions!  BUT, we are not fully staffed... these are areas needing a leader like you: 

> Roswell Youth Exchange (RYE) needs a new coordinator because Alesia Booth (who has been doing it for 5 years) has accepted a RYE position at the District level so she needs to train her replacement.  This is a foreign exchange high school student program. Very exciting.  Our student just arrived from Japan!

> Interact Club: We have 16 Interact Clubs across Roswell's elementary, middle, and high schools.  But… we have 11 Interact Clubs who need 2 Rotary liaison

  • Blessed Trinity to work with Bill Swank
  • Centennial HS to work with Alan Greensmith 
  • The Cottage High School Club to work with Ron Cowan
  • The Cottage Middle School Club to work with Sid Disher
  • Elkins Point Middle to work with Michael Schoppenhorst
  • Holcomb Bridge Middle to work with Gabriel Prado
  • Independence HS to work with Lynn Dunn
  • Mt. Park Elementary to work with Joe Gillespie
  • Roswell North Elementary to work with Vivian Bankston 
  • Sweet Apple Elementary to work with Laura White (David)
  • Vickery Mill Elementary to work with Stacy Perlman 

 We are hosting a Team Fishing Derby with the Roswell Parks & Rec on Saturday, Oct 19th.  We need a few more people on the committee.

This is your chance!  Don't delay!

You are invited to volunteer with youth-related events throughout the year, as well: Youth Day Parade, Career Day at Roswell HS and (new this year) The Cottage School, Laws of Life, Leadership 20/20, Read Across America, Roswell Relays, and Scholarships! Please contact:

Becky Nelson                            James Stone
404.406.6121                            229.724.8550
bnelson@cchl.com                    james@stonelaw.com

RRAH - Next Meeting is September 3rd

Please join us in welcoming Rich Alterman as our guest speaker at the Roswell Rotary After Hours meeting on September 3rd. The meeting will take place at The Artillery Room at Gate City at 6:30 PM. Rich is an EVP of Business Development for GDS Link, and he will be speaking on how to build your brand, how to create a personal brand statement, and why a personal brand statement is important.

Rich would like you to prepare a personal brand statement before the meeting. You can choose to develop one based on what you feel your brand is today or what you would like your brand to be in the future. Some points to consider are: “What motivates you?”, “What are some unique things about you?”, “What are your values?”, and “What makes you happy?”

Click here for the guide Rich recommends using before the meeting. We look forward to seeing you all there!

RRC at Miss Mary's
Roswell Rotary "Pop" Rocks

What a wonderful day at Miss Mary's Ice Cream Cranking for the Drake House. President Nancy Alterman created the most requested ice cream flavor- Pop Rocks...bright pink with pop rocks sprinkled on top! Quite the hit. Bottom left: Aliza Gevirtz, Rotoscope editor, with Drake House president Nesha Mason; center: the Scooping team beautifully led by Mary Trapp, (past president Lisa not pictured) and bottom right: Michael Curling with his beautiful wife and girls. Roswell Rotary is energized and hard at work in our community! What a day!

Your body is asking for this
Why is Tofu served for lunch?

Our fried chicken rocks!  So many people think that eating salad, or a little vegetable, balances the 'fried' portion.  However.....the need for increased protein (more fried chicken....or, you guessed it, tofu) intake becomes more important at various stages of life, particularly during:

  • During Recovery from Illness or Surgery, the body needs more protein to repair tissues and support the immune system.
  • Physical Training and Muscle Building, require more protein to repair and build muscle tissue, support recovery, and enhance performance.
  • Adult 65+ become less efficient at using protein, and muscle mass naturally decreases (a condition known as sarcopenia). To counteract this, higher protein intake can help preserve muscle mass, support bone health, and reduce the risk of frailty.

Tofu, a popular plant-based protein made from soybeans, offers several health benefits

  • Rich Source of Protein
  • Low in Calories and Fat....and cholesterol-free
  • Rich in Nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • Contains Antioxidants: Tofu contains antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.
  • Supports Blood Sugar Control
  • May Support Hormonal Balance

Think beyond the texture. Eat more protein.

Your Old Sneakers Can Have New Life

Sam Lane collects old sneakers to raise money for various schools, charities, and organizations. The project also aims to reduce our carbon footprint by keeping sneakers out of landfills (where they can take 30-40 years to decompose!)  If your sneakers have made one too many footprints, give 'em to Sam!  For placement & box collection, call 678.545.5471.

Coming Up at RRC
Save the Date: Making Roswell Rotary's Magic Happen

Golf & Tennis Committee Meeting
Thursdays before the regular meeting, 11:15 - 12:00
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Rotary Means Business
Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Aubrey Greenway Golf & Bob Hagan Tennis Classic

Monday, September 9
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Pint for a Pint Blood Drive
September 25, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Appointments can be made via https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=roswellrotary
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Farm Day
Sunday, October 27, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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Last Week at Rotary
