RUMC Job Networking Project

The Mission: There is no greater stress on a family than when the breadwinner is out of work. RRC proudly supports the work of Roswell United Methodist Church - Job Networking where job seekers go to learn skills needed to get hired. This includes resume review, LinkedIn, attire for hire, greeting and seating job seekers, spiritual support, attending seminars on how to interview, and more. There are 8 workshops during the day with over 200 participants.

Eat, Pray, Learn: In the bi-weekly program is a dinner with a speaker and then breakout sessions. RRC covers the cost of 5 of these dinners ($5,000) throughout the year, and Rotarians follow their financial support by being volunteers serving as table discussion leaders, speakers, organizers, and more.

And while we sponsor 5 meals, we are there in force every Monday meeting. Additionally, there are special Job Fair days where employers (including RRC employers), who attend the meetings and interview people to be hired on the spot. The majority of attendees come from neighboring counties and the city of Atlanta resulting in RRC exposure beyond the Roswell community.

Member Exposure: Sponsorship and participation by the club is shown continuously on the slides, website, banners, printed materials, the RUMC website, and emails distributed to a Job Networking database of approximately 5000. We are regularly featured on local TV stations, newspapers and have even been recognized by ABC World News, Fox News and the Wall St. Journal.

Partner Involvement
Roswell United Methodist Church, hosting site