Golf Tournament Volunteers
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Roswell Rotary Club Golf    Tournament Volunteer Sign Up: Job Descriptions


Golf Cart Drivers: 3 Drivers for AM and 3 drivers for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse

Club will provide you with a Golf Cart – You’ll be responsible to drive all volunteers and potential supplies to and from each event hole 

Hole #1 - Putting Contest – 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteer 1:  Responsible for explaining the contest and collecting Money (Cash and CC using Square) -- $20 per participant

Volunteer 2: Measure each participant’s putt and track closest to hole

Hole #3 (Ladies' Closest to Pin) - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteer 1: Greet participants at the tee and let them know that it’s the Ladies Closest to Hole Contest

Volunteer 2: Set up near green and validate each participant’s ball that hits the green.  Participants will mark the sign if they’re closest.

Hole #8 (Men's Closest to Pin) - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteer 1: Greet participants at the tee and let them know that it’s the Men’s Closest to Hole Contest

Volunteer 2: Set up near green and validate each participant’s ball that hits the green.  Participants will mark the sign if they’re closest.

Hole #11 (Hole in One Special AND Betting Hole) - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteer 1: Greet participants at the tee and let them know that it’s the Betting Hole AND Roswell General Hole in One Special Contest

-RULES FOR BETTING HOLE:  Brookfield will powder 2 circles (10 ft diameter and 20 ft diameter).  If golfers get the ball in the outer circle, they get their money back; if they get it in the inner circle, golfers get double their money back.  

Volunteer 2: Set up near green and validate each participant’s ball that hits in to the green.  Validate whether participants get their balls in the circles.  

Volunteer 3:  Bartender

Hole #14 (Shotgun Hole) - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteer 1: Responsible for explaining the contest and collecting Money (Cash and CC using Square) -- $20 per participant

Volunteer 2: Responsible for explaining the contest and collecting Money (Cash and CC using Square) -- $20 per participant

Hole #15 (Hole in One Special) - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM – 

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteer 1: Greet participants at the tee and let them know that it’s the Hole in One Special Contest

Volunteer 2: Set up near green and validate each participant’s ball that hits in to the green.

Hole #16 (Buy a Drive) - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Brookfield will powder a circle where the ball gets played from if a golfer participates.

Volunteer 1: Responsible for explaining the contest and collecting Money (Cash and CC using Square) -- $20 per participant

Volunteer 2: Responsible for explaining the contest and collecting Money (Cash and CC using Square) -- $20 per participant

Parking Attendants – 3 Slots (7:00am - 9:00am; 12:00pm – 2:00pm; 5:00pm – 7:00pm)

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteers will be assigned to direct traffic coming in – Details will be provided upon arrival

Volunteer Floaters  - 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for AM and 3 Slots per 1.5 hours for PM

Arrive 20 minutes prior to your designated time and check in at the front of the Clubhouse 

Volunteers will be assigned any open holes that are needed – As to be on standby for any no show volunteers

Posted by Darrell Bartlett
September 6, 2022


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