President's Message
Making an Impact This week PP Dave McCleary organized a great presentation about the End Human Trafficking Now effort. Part of the untold story was how the recent training of the Roswell Police Department on human trafficking helped save a local young lady from today's modern form of slavery. We heard from her mother and the appreciation for this program lead by Dave was never more evident from her testimony and look of appreciation. This effort continues to grow and have a huge impact on our community and beyond. Thank you to our first responders and to Dave! As we head into the cooler months of winter, the Charity Committee lead by PP Jim Coyle is working hard on meticulously weeding through applications from the various charitable organizations that have applied for grant consideration and focusing on the huge task of deciding how to divvy up the funds from our golf and tennis tournament proceeds. Thanks Jim and the Charity Committee for your service to our club and the community. You won't want to miss this week's meeting as we hear an inspirational message from Lisa Weldon. Be prepared to answer the question: Where would you go and what would you do if you had 30 days away?
Speaker January 13- Lisa Weldon Author Lisa Weldon joins Roswell Rotary for "New Beginnings"

Where would you go if you had 30 days away? And what would you do with your 30 days? This is the premise of Lisa Weldon's memoir titled Thirty Pieces. Lisa’s
world collapsed the year she turned 58. Her 25-year marriage ended; the only home
her children had ever known fell into foreclosure; and her last child left the
nest. Her financial lifeline, her career in advertising, had gone
stagnant. From under the crushing realities a wild idea popped into her head. What if she
went away for 30 days, all alone to New York City and took a crash course to
learn the new digital ways of her business? After class she could
sneak in a 1-mile walk, each day treating herself to a different
neighborhood of Manhattan, the place she’d always dreamed of living. Using
the lessons she’d learn, she could share stories and photos from her daily
walks, all in hopes of reinventing herself professionally. After
New York, Lisa spent a month walking every arrondissement of Paris. Huffington
Post invited her to chronicle her Paris walks, then featured her
first submission on the front cover of their “Living
Fearlessly” section. Oprah’s network,
Harpo Productions, caught wind of her reinvention story and invited
Lisa to give Cindy Crawford advice on turning 50. City leaders of New
Orleans brought Lisa and 25 other influencers to walk their city, in hopes
they'd share its entrepreneurial rebirth after Katrina. She has since walked
Shanghai and Istanbul, all while learning the power of storytelling.
now? Lisa just released her memoir titled Thirty Pieces. It’s
the story of a 58-year-old woman who reinvents herself by taking 30 days
to walk through the pieces of her life. Join us for this time with Lisa on Thursday, January 13 Looking forward to hearing Lisa discuss how we can also take time to reset and refresh! · Re-brand yourself in a
creative manner · Set goal, how to reach it
· Value of taking 30 days,
alone and away See you Thursday!!!!!!
It's a Field Trip! Join us at Ron Clark Academy Wednesday, January 12th 10-11:30am 
Remember Ron Clark's visit to Roswell Rotary? Remember his passion and energy as he was speaking to our club about the school? He certainly grabbed our attention and our hearts! Invitation to Open House Now you have a special invitation to attend an Open House at Ron Clark Academy to see for yourself how dynamic and effective education can be in America. Ron Clark Academy (RCA) is a global leader in training educators on exciting, effective, disciplined means and methods of teaching. You will be truly moved by your experience in visiting RCA's Open House and hopefully you will want to step-up and support the betterment of education in our country! To Register (Note: YOU MUST REGISTER to attend): Your visit will include a tour of the entire campus (including the new Ryan Marshall Performing Arts Center), a classroom lesson observation, and the exciting opportunity to be slide certified! This experience is sure to be educational and fun while giving you a glimpse of the amazing things that happen at the Ron Clark Academy every day!
Sat, Jan 15 8:30 - 10:00am It's a smart idea, not a New Years resolution. Walk with a Doc [read more]