Perfect Day for 2022 Golf & Tennis Tournament
Another successful Golf & Tennis Tournament is in the books. Many thanks go out to the many volunteers in our club and non-profit community that help us last Monday! Kudos to the planning committee for another great day! Now is the time to turn our attention to our many Fall activities. This week we hear from Emilio, our GRSP student from Columbia, and La Neige, our Rotary Youth Exchange student from Thailand. Should be fascinating to hear about their home countries and families and their first few weeks of school here in Georgia. A week from Saturday, October 1, is our annual Farm Day picnic at Gary Garrett’s farm. What a great opportunity to get out in the country with your family, your kids, and your grandkids. Something for everyone. See the announcement below for more details and how to sign up. And Youth Day is just around the corner. Want to help build our float - check in with Zach Fields, Jack Wyche or Ken Briggs to see how you can help. GRSP & RYE Students September 22 Program: Emilo Ochoa & La Neige
It's a tradition at Roswell Rotary that we offer our Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) and Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) students the opportunity to tell us about themselves, their families, their country, etc. at a meeting early in the school year. In this week's program, we will hear from our GRSP and RYE students :Emilio Ochoa(Columbia) and La Neige (Thailand). Their first month has been jam packed with new experiences. Be at Rotary Thursday to hear their stories! For More info on Georgia Rotary Student Program, click here. For more info on Rotary Youth Exchange, click here.
After Hours hosts a mental health discussion TONIGHT!
In honor of September being National Suicide Prevention Month, After Hours' next meeting will be an open conversation on mental health. The guest speaker will be Lynn Prothero who is a passionate mental health advocate. Lynn serves on the board for the Georgia Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, is a Crisis Text Line volunteer and is a Talk Saves Lives educator. See you tonight at 6:30 at the Artillery Room @ Gate City as we work to #BreakTheStigma. Volunteers Needed for this Saturday Sept. 24 Beaucoup Jazz & Blues Festival
Roswell Rotary will have a tent handing out free water to the public. We need Rotarians to volunteer to take a shift,. Please contact Susan Rumble to volunteer or for more information. Event is from 2 PM to 9 PM at King's Market Shopping Center with many musical artists and a Pop Up Art Village.
After Hours to Host Spaghetti Lunch at VEO
After Hours is excited to announce their upcoming service project this Saturday, Sept. 24! The club will prepare and serve a spaghetti lunch to the Veteran residents of the Veterans Empowerment Organization. Prep begins at 10 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and hopefully put a smile on a Vet's face, one plate of spaghetti at a time. The VEO is located at 373 W Lake Ave NW in Atlanta. Why Paul Harris founded Rotary: Have a trusted community to do business with! There are plenty of networking events everyday and hoards of prospects to pursue. How do you prioritize them? Let Rotary Means Business help introduce you to well-connected, trusted people who practice Service Above Self. What: Rotary Means Business: a monthly networking event for District 6900 Rotarians and prospective Rotarians
When: Tonight, Sept. 20 at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
(New) Location: Eclipse di Luna near Perimeter Mall located at 4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA, 30346. There is free parking. [read more] Mon, Sep 26 5:30pm RUMC Job Networking Job Fair Roswell Rotary Club will sponsor Roswell United Methodist's first job fair of 2022 Monday, September 26. Roswell Rotary has been serving our community for over 70 years and is one of the largest service organizations in the southeast. They have sponsored RUMC's many job fairs over the years, and we are so grateful for their partnership and support. Rotarians are invited to attend and participate as employers at the job fair. Contact Craig Simmons at if your company would like to participate. Monday includes an outstanding lineup of workshops starting at 3:00 p.m., dinner with speaker Gil Giddens of Ryder System, Inc. at 5:30 p.m. and the job fair from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. Seating for dinner starts at 5:30 p.m., dinner served at 5:45 p.m. and dinner speaker at 6:00 p.m [read more]