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May 4, 2020


May is Youth Service Month

5/14 TBD
5/21 TBD
5/28 TBD


5/25 Memorial Day (CANCELLED)
6/13 District Celebration
6/17 Past Present's Dinner
6/24 Installation Party


President Gordon Owens
President-Elect Lynne Lindsay
Immediate PP Becky Stone
Treasurer John Carruth
Secretary Terry Taylor
Membership Nancy Alterman
Foundation Mike Agurkis
Public Image Karen Schwank
Service Don Horton


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

5/3 Danny Broadway, II
5/3 Randy Taylor
5/4 Frank Brown
5/4 Jerry Orlans
5/7 Tom Rowsey
5/11 Ed Klaas, II
5/12 Lee Dodson
5/14 Don Howard
5/15 John Carruth
5/15 Michele Johnson
5/16 Dennis Canata
5/17 Leslie Bassett
5/21 Pat Rains
5/24 Elwyn Gaissert, II
5/25 Rich Dippolito
5/31 Stacy Sims
5/31 Peter Calabro


5/4 George Polatty, Jr. (42)
5/8 Michael Schoppenhorst (6)
5/11 Trummie Patrick (42)
5/12 Dick Anthony (32)
5/12 Ralph Rowland, Jr. (9)
5/22 Lorraine Head (23)
5/23 Bruce Smith (24)
5/23 Kathleen Carmical (1)
5/31 Anita Farley (2)
5/31 Allison Judy (2)
5/31 Anthony Nearhood (2)
5/31 Jay Small (2)
5/31 Michael Curling (2)
5/31 Jimmy Moore (2)
8 years in Rotary


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Opening Back Up

Personally, I am excited to see our local businesses opening back up and people out on Canton Street. Ashley and I couldn't miss Gate City's first day back on Friday! We ran into a couple of friends from Rotary and it felt almost normal to sit outside on a beautiful day to catch up over a beer.

When Will We Meet Again?

That's a good question and one we get often. With the latest stay-in-place order for older and at risk individuals running through June 12, our group as a whole won't be able to gather until some time this summer. Until then we are working on a plan to begin meeting again in smaller numbers and with the appropriate precautions. Like most things right now, this is a moving target and once we have details we will certainly share them with you.

Every Wednesday At 6PM
Join Our Virtual Hump Day

We had a great time capturing the spirit of our hospitality suite last week. Please join us every Wednesday night as we check in with our Rotary family via zoom. To join, simply click the link: https://zoom.us/j/96208486516

Support Our Club's COVID-19 Fund
Cash For Corona

Watch Cash For Corona

Our club continues to lead the way and in many cases is the conduit for connecting members who want to give to those in need. The Rotascope is a great place to find opportunities to support individual organizations or volunteer your time. For those of you who want to give, but not sure how or where, we have a COVID-19 response fund and encourage members to make a donation to this fund. Our club will take those funds to support healthcare workers, families in need and the organizations on the front lines of this fight in our community.


Schedule A Time To Give Blood
Red Cross Blood Drive

Our blood drive was pushed to the fall but the need is still there for blood donations. We have worked with the Red Cross to setup a "virtual" blood drive. By virtual, we mean you go online and register to give, then the Red Cross will send you a link to schedule a time to give at a safe location close to you. Please donate if you can.

Donate Blood

Thanks To Ed Vaught
Care Packages Reach The Front Lines

This picture was obviously taken before social distancing! Our troops on the front lines are dealing with some of the same restrictions on post as we have here at home. They are wearing masks, can't gather in groups of more than 3 and must remain 6ft apart. As good news, missions have slowed down as strict curfews are in place and even the enemy's movements have been restricted. We get great feedback from our care packages and happy we can still support our troops.

Mickey's Pound Cakes
Raised $1500 For CDA

Mickey's pound cake auction raised $1500 for CDA families in need. We ended up with 6 people who matched the high bid of $200 and a few others that made cash donations. Mickey wasted no time making and delivering the cakes. The CDA is very grateful for our support of their families in need.

Rotary Last Week

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