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March 28, 2023


March is Water and Sanitation Month

3/30 Spring Interact Program - Michael Schoppenhorst
4/6 Veterans Benefits
4/13 Wellstar Behavioral Health Videos Rollout
4/20 Laws of Life


4/4 RR After Hours Club
4/13 Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room Dedication - Wellstar North Fulton
4/18 Rotary Means Business
4/18 RR After Hours Club

Our Rotary Family

3/3 Don Horton
3/4 Tillie O'Neal
3/8 Nancy Tolbert-Yilmaz
3/9 Doug Smith
3/11 Jon-Paul Croom
3/12 Kevin Benscoter
3/13 Amanda Verdin
3/15 Rich Austin
3/16 Mickey Deaton
3/21 Amy Brannen
3/26 Robert Fezza
3/27 Hal Schlenger
3/30 Darrell Bartlett


3/2 Gene Beckham, III (23)
3/4 Ken Briggs (41)
3/5 Mike Prewett (8)
17 years in Rotary
3/7 Amy Brannen (10)
3/7 Terry Taylor (10)
3/7 Michael Sutton (16)
3/7 Bruce Peoples (10)
3/8 John Michael Brunetti (0)
3/9 Jacque Digieso (17)
30 years in Rotary
3/9 Todd Byars (17)
3/9 Syd Mostajabi (14)
3/10 Will Colley (1)
3/10 Angela Medley (1)
3/10 Jeff McCoy (18)
3/10 Vivian Bankston (18)
3/10 Mickey Deaton (18)
3/11 Lynne Lindsay (13)
3/11 Michael Gould (13)
3/11 Lisa Carlisle (13)
3/12 Gordon Owens (12)
3/14 William May (10)
3/14 Jerry Orlans (21)
32 years in Rotary
3/16 Tori Nielsen (1)
3/16 Alicia Hughes (1)
3/16 Scott Morchower (7)
3/17 John Albers (12)
3/17 Brooke Foxman (1)
3/17 Leigh Gould (1)
3/17 Charlie Brown (1)
3/17 John Connell (1)
3/17 Evan Coyle (1)
3/17 Lindsay Davies (1)
3/17 Ashley Doran (1)
3/17 Tori Alterman (1)
2 years in Rotary
3/17 Davonte Hill (1)
3/17 Amanda Verdin (1)
3/17 Doug Smith (1)
3/17 Mitch Stone (1)
3/17 Lee Hollingsworth (14)
22 years in Rotary
3/17 George McFarlin (12)
3/17 Jim Swain (14)
30 years in Rotary
3/17 Danny Tompkins (14)
24 years in Rotary
3/17 Walt Woliver (14)
41 years in Rotary
3/18 Becky Nelson (9)
3/21 Gregory Roth (0)
3/21 Aliza Gevirtz (0)
3/21 Jim Broadway (38)
3/22 Ron Redner (39)
3/24 Bill Houck (7)
3/24 Dennis Eidson (12)
3/25 David Wash (14)
3/28 Bob Clarkson (4)
3/28 Leonard Greski (4)
3/29 Alesia Booth (2)
3/29 Jonathan Crooks (2)
3/30 Belle Prothero (1)
3/30 Rudy Lind (23)
3/30 Carly Kozar (1)
3/30 James Savage (2)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075



President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


  • Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
  • Bob Hagan 2015-16


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John's Message

Our Past President moment this week will feature PP Dave Schmit.  It’s appropriate we learn about Dave’s year on the same day we have our Interact Clubs join us at Roswell Rotary.

Many years ago, Dave came up with the concept of Progressive Interact.  We had Interact at Roswell High School, but who ever thought we should include our middle and elementary schools.  Fast forward after more than 10 years and we have clubs in most of the Roswell High School cluster of elementary and middle schools.  And we also sponsor and support Interact Clubs at the Cottage School, Blessed Trinity, Fellowship, and Independence High Schools. 

For several years, Michael Schoppenhorst has been our Interact chair for the club, helping with organizing clubs, working with club teacher advisors, and recruiting club members as liaisons.  We owe a huge debt of thanks to Michael for all his efforts.

You don’t want to miss one of the best meetings of the year when we hear what our Interact Clubs accomplished during this school year.

Spring Interact Report
Program this Week: Michael Schoppenhorst and Project Updates

(Picture above is Michael Schoppenhorst with his son Andrew) Interesting story-Michael was introduced to Roswell Rotary through Andrew’s involvement in the Elkins Middle Interact Club!  And the rest is history!!

The Spring Interact Meeting is always a rewarding Rotary meeting.  We get to hear the projects our Interact Clubs completed through the school year.  What an inspiration. Additionally, we will be hearing from Interact Coordinator, Michael Schoppenhorst, as he hands over his reins to Bill Hoban after 5 years in this role.  He will talk about how decisions do impact your whole life and directly impact both those you know and don’t know.  He is also going to showcase some of his “high impact”

Rotarians.  See you Thursday. 

Past President Moment
Dave Schmit - 2013-2014

The District Governor Blake McBurney’s theme for 2013-14 was Indiana Blake and the Crusade.  Our own intrepid leader “Indiana” Dave led Roswell Rotary on expeditions to expand Interact in our schools, endow our Roswell Rotary Foundation for future generations, and even improve how we served lunch.  We capped the year off with the all-time largest scrapbook cover - the Ark of the Covenant.  Unfortunately, the Ark is now lost in some vast warehouse or other resting place, but come check out Dave’s scrapbook on the big screen before the meeting and hear what Roswell Rotary did in the Rotary year 2013-14.

Volunteer at the Unity Garden with After Hours

After Hours is set to volunteer at the Unity Garden at the Chattahoochee Nature Center again on April 29The shift starts at 9 a.m. and goes until Noon. The plan is to work around the garden doing anything and everything they need, like picking weeds, organizing plants and potting.

Did you know? The Unity Garden grows fresh produce to be donated to the food pantry at North Fulton Community Charities. Fresh vegetables and greens are delivered once or twice a week.

All Rotarians are invited! Sign up here.

Community Impact Project April 13, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m
Roswell Rotary and WellStar North Fulton Hospital

We are celebrating the opening of the Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room in the Emergency Department which is Phase 3 of the Community Impact Project started by Past President Terry Taylor and completed during President John Carruth’s year. 

Come for a tour of the Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room in the Emergency Department and fellowship with Rotarians and our partners at WellStar North Fulton. 

You are invited to attend a Celebration Event

April 13, 2023 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

in the Main Lobby

WellStar North Fulton Hospital, 3000 Hospital Blvd, Roswell, GA 30076

For more information, contact Becky Stone rebecca.stone@stonepc.net and Lori Allen Lori.Allen@wellstar.org 

April 27 - April 30
Free Time Options for District Conference in Sandestin, Florida

After an evening in the best hospitality suite…what to do?  

The Beach…Did someone say the Beach ??  Yes that’s right…free time on Friday and Saturday can be spent at the beach, playing golf, playing tennis, or just plain relaxing.  Then join the group again in the hospitality suite before the evening festivities and meetings begin. 

Join us April 27-30 for District Conference 2023. Make your reservations today!  Click here for Registration and Accommodations 

Save the dates
Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic.

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!    

Community Impact Project: Wellstar North Fulton

Add To Calendar April 13, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Rotary-style Business Networking - Rotary Means Business

Add To Calendar  April 18, 2023 6:00 pm - 8:00pm

District Conference

Add To Calendar April 27-30 San Destin FL
