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April 4, 2023


April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/6 Veterans Benefits - Jim Swain
4/13 Wellstar Behavioral Health Videos Rollout
4/20 Laws of Life
5/11 GRSP & Rotary Youth Exchange End of Year Report


4/4 RR After Hours Club-Moss Hill Farms
4/13 Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room Dedication - Wellstar North Fulton
4/18 Rotary Means Business
4/18 RR After Hours Club


President John Carruth
President-Elect Alex Kaufman
Immediate PP Terry Taylor
Treasurer Trummie Patrick, III
Secretary Nancy Alterman
Membership Katie Anderson
Foundation Leslie Bassett
Public Image Michael Gould


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online




Text: RRC
To: (833) 456-2829

Our Rotary Family

4/1 John Greaves
4/3 Paul Lang
4/4 Davonte Hill
4/5 Jim Broadway
4/6 Mike Hampton
4/6 Dave Schmit
4/6 John Connell
4/8 Richard Stilley
4/10 Todd Byars
4/12 James Stone
4/13 Gregory Roth
4/16 Bill Shore
4/16 Bob Clarkson
4/17 Michael Thompson
4/20 Ken Davis
4/20 Jonathan Crooks
4/22 Tom Campbell, Jr.
4/23 Will Colley
4/24 Herb West
4/25 Zachary Fields
4/25 Michael Curling
4/29 Marcus Smith


4/1 Dave Schmit (19)
4/4 Eddie Smith (27)
4/5 Joseph Gillespie (1)
4/7 Cheryl Greenway (29)
4/7 Don Howard (40)
4/9 Bill Wolff (2)
4/11 Sandy Buhler (10)
4/12 Jon-Paul Croom (4)
6 years in Rotary
4/12 Kyle Woods (4)
4/12 June Brown (11)
4/19 Jeffrey Meyers (5)
4/19 Hal Schlenger (5)
9 years in Rotary
4/19 Bill Shore (5)
70 years in Rotary
4/19 Kay Howell (5)
4/29 Jeremey Ashman (3)
4/29 Matthew Ashman (3)
4/29 Leslie Bassett (3)
4/29 James Stone (3)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President John's Message

This past week, Roswell Rotary completed its fourth American Red Cross Blood Drive this Rotary year.  We have a dedicated group who have spearheaded this great service project for our club and community for several years.  Led by Hal Schlenger and Darrell Bartlett, they have added Jim Savage and Jonathan Crooks this year to the planning team. 

We had three blood drives at Gate City Brewing, which continued its “Pint for a Pint” offer again this year.  For each pint of donated blood received, Gate City gives a coupon for one free pint of beer.  Thank you Pat Rains for your generous support of this program. 

One drive was held at the Computer Museum of America and honored Michael Curling for his donation of 100 pints of blood.  Variant Brewing brewed a special Blood Orange Cashmere beer for the occasion. 

As the guys have told us before, not everyone can give blood.  Several new members stepped up this year to give.  All total, Rotarians and others from the public donated about 193 pints of blood which helped treat about 290 individuals.  Roswell Rotary Rocks!!

Program Speaker Thursday
Veterans Benefits- Jim Swain

Looking forward to Jim Swain J.D., MBA of Swain Law Firm in Roswell. He will speak on benefits for veterans. 

Jim Swain earned his JD of law from the University of Memphis. He is an accredited Attorney with the Veteran Administration.  He is licensed to practice law in Georgia and Tennessee. Jim also has an MBA. He is a member of  ElderCounsel and co-founder of ElderCounsel's VA Pension Planning course .He is also a members of the  National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA),  Wealth Counsel, a national association of wealth preservation attorneys, the American Legion and Former Post Commander of VFW, and is Retired Navy Reserve. And most importantly, he is a Roswell Rotarian. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise with our club on Thursday, Jim!

Past President Moment
Lisa Carlisle- 2017 - 2018

Storms were brewing during Lisa Carlisle’s year as President of Roswell Rotary.  Hurricanes, snowstorms and ice storms wreaked havoc on some of our best laid plans.  But those couldn’t stop Roswell Rotary from another great year.  Rotary was Making a Difference and Roswell Rotary continued to play its role.  Come refresh your memory and hear from Past President Lisa Carlisle about the Rotary year 2017-2018.

Learn About Community-Supported Agriculture

After Hours is meeting tonight! The club will be going off-site to Moss Hill Farm in Alpharetta to learn about community-supported agriculture with farmer Floyd Keisler. All Rotarians are invited to join on this lovely spring evening. The farm is located at 13230 Freemanville Road, Alpharetta, GA, 30004.

Community Impact Project April 13, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m
Roswell Rotary and WellStar North Fulton Hospital

We are celebrating the opening of the Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room in the Emergency Department which is Phase 3 of the Community Impact Project started by Past President Terry Taylor and completed during President John Carruth’s year. 

Come for a tour of the Roswell Rotary Family Waiting Room in the Emergency Department and fellowship with Rotarians and our partners at WellStar North Fulton. 

You are invited to attend a Celebration Event

April 13, 2023 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

in the Main Lobby

WellStar North Fulton Hospital, 3000 Hospital Blvd, Roswell, GA 30076

For more information, contact Becky Stone rebecca.stone@stonepc.net and Lori Allen Lori.Allen@wellstar.org 

April 27 - 30
District Conference -Sandestin, Florida

After an evening in the best hospitality suite…what to do?  The Beach…Did someone say the Beach ??   

Yes that’s right…free time on Friday and Saturday can be spent at the beach, playing golf, playing tennis, or just plain relaxing.  Soon you will have the chance to signup for a beach chair and join the fun in the sun.   

Join us April 27-30 for District Conference 2023. Make your reservations today!  Registration and Accommodations Link


Volunteer at the Unity Garden with After Hours

After Hours is set to volunteer at the Unity Garden at the Chattahoochee Nature Center again on April 29The shift starts at 9 a.m. and goes until Noon. The plan is to work around the garden doing anything and everything they need, like picking weeds, organizing plants and potting.

Did you know? The Unity Garden grows fresh produce to be donated to the food pantry at North Fulton Community Charities. Fresh vegetables and greens are delivered once or twice a week.

All Rotarians are invited! Sign up here.

April 25 Braves Game
Living Donor Awareness Game: Sen. John Albers and Son Will to be recognized

At Roswell Rotary, we all know the story of Sen. John Albers and his kidney donation to his son Will. And now the Atlanta Braves are spreading the news of Living Donor Awareness through a special game on April 25 where living donors, including our own Sen. John Albers (Roswell Rotary Club member) and Will Albers ( Roswell Rotary After Hours Club member)  will be recognized. Hope to see a huge turnout from our club. True "Service Above Self."

Welcome New Member
New Member Spotlight: Stephen Clausen

Live and travel:  Lived his entire life in Roswell, GA although he has visited over 40 countries.

Spouse:    Emily Clausen, they are High School sweet-hearts. Been together  20 years and married for 12

Kids:   2.5 Children, Adaline – 4 and Sutton 2 and one on the way (Emily is 11 weeks pregnant)

Interesting Things about Stephen:    Passions are gardening ( He has a half acre vegetable garden), tennis and hanging with his girls

Why he joined Rotary: "I joined Rotary to meet other business leaders in Roswell as well as to make a difference in the community I grew up in". [read more]

May 4-6
International Peace Conference

Looking forward to the 2023 International Peace Conference on May 4-6 right here in the heart of the South! This conference will feature over 80 speakers from across the globe who will speak on topics such as human trafficking, reducing violence in our communities, education, social justice, empowerment of women and much more. The Human Trafficking program is particularly strong, bringing many of the best presenters encountered working on this issue.

 In addition to the Human Trafficking panels and presentations, there will also be speakers on Empowering Women and Girls, some of whom are also either treating trafficking victims or educating girls on how to avoid the dangers of traffickers; on domestic violence; and, on preventing child marriage.

This is a “don’t miss” event! Take advantage of the great lineup of speakers and convene with others who are dedicated to ending human trafficking as well as many more who are building peace in other ways, including the largest group of Rotary Peace Fellows you are ever likely to encounter in one place at one time.  

Join us as we come together to learn how we can #buildpeace. To learn more about @ipeace2023, visit: International Peace Conference or contact Dave McCleary at dave.m@ragas.online

Tuesday, April 18, 6:00pm
Who's Looking for New Clients? Attend Business Networking with 12 area Rotary Clubs

For you, or someone on your staff, grow your business by doing business with Rotarians in an environment that supports “Service Above Self”

Bonus: This is also an opportunity for someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.  Tuesday, April 18 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.   Location: Eclipse Di Luna,  4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346

For more information, contact  Ken Carter 404-386-3214 ken.carter@floorcoveringsinternational.com or Hal Schlenger 770-335-0077 HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com

Save the dates
Be Part of Making Roswell Rotary's Magic.

This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!    

RR After Hours- Off Site Meeting

Add To Calendar Moss Hill Farms- 6:30 pm

Community Impact Project: Wellstar North Fulton

Add To Calendar April 13, 2023, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Rotary-style Business Networking - Rotary Means Business

Add To Calendar  April 18, 2023 6:00 pm - 8:00pm

Alive in Roswell- Hagan Center Canton St.

Add To Calendar April 20, 2023 5pm

Atlanta Braves-Living Donor Awareness Game

Add To Calendar April 25, 2023 7:20pm

Unity Garden Volunteer Project RRAH Open to all volunteers

Add To Calendar April 29, 2023 9am-Noon

District Conference

Add To Calendar April 27-30 San Destin FL

Rotary International Peace Conference

Add To Calendar May 4-6 Birmingham, AL

Rotary Last Week
