Be The Voice

BE THE VOICE, born in the Rotary Club of Roswell in 2014, supports both Students and Staff. The heartbeat of our initiative revolves around a 12-week video series that showcases diverse peer social influencers sharing personal experiences of how they inspired change within their school and community.

Topics range from bullying, exclusion and peer-conflict to anxiety, race, stereotyping, ethnicity and serving the community. Post program survey we collect from students determine the messaging for the next year. Visit our videos page for examples.

In addition to the weekly visual messaging, we provide a variety of upbeat networking activities designed to foster new friendships as students work together to meet monthly BTV goals.
See schools in action here!

Be THE Voice challenges reactive instincts that can lead to conflict, and instead promotes empathy and inclusion! BTV classrooms run more smoothy because students feel connected with their peers and can focus on learning, and teachers spend their time “teaching” (instead of disciplinary measures).