Thank You Mr. President
President John's Last Meeting-Well Done

Click Here for John's Video- It's Amazing!

Such a bittersweet meeting last Thursday as President John presided over his last RRC meeting. Congratulations to Becky Nelson, Rotarian of the Year,  and Courtney Lott, Rookie of the Year! John thanked the Behind the Scenes crew as well as the many former presidents who continue to impact our club. Two outstanding projects were presented District Awards including Best Youth Service Project, Roswell Youth Exchange- Alesia Booth & Vivian Bankston, and Vocational Service Project,Roswell UMC Job Networking-Craig Simons. Read on for complete list in case you missed being there in person.  

End of Year Recognitions

Kitchen Staff

o Juan Venegas

o Ana Funes Cienfuegos

o Kedija Hussein

Board of Directors

Rotating off the Board

o Michael Gould Communications & Meetings

o Lee Hollingsworth International

Serving for one-year special term

o Lisa Carlisle Presidential advisor

o Harvey Smith Club Historian

Other Board Members

o Becky Nelson Youth Services

o Matt Millard Vocational, Veterans & Seniors

o David White Service Projects

o Katie Anderson Membership

o Leslie Bassett Foundation & Charitable Giving

o James Stone Events

o Leigh Brown RR After Hours Chair


o Lee Patrick Treasurer

o Nancy Alterman Secretary

o Alex Kaufman President Elect

Serving for two years after their terms

o Terry Taylor Immediate Past President

o Lynne Lindsay 2nd Past President

Special recognition for Lynne Lindsay

Behind the Scenes

  • Alive in Roswell Mickey Deaton
  • NFCC School, Coats and Xmas Drives    June Brown
  • Rotoscopes Hal Schlenger,   Darrell Bartlett,   Kathy Igou
  • Blood drives Hal Schlenger,   Darrell Bartlett


  • Setup and take downs Rick Meer, Ken Briggs, Hal Coleman, Mike Hampton, Bill Shore, John Ross, Rich Austin, Richard Stilley, David White
  • Audio-Visual Michael Gould, Ken Briggs
  • Greeters, Pledge, 4 Way Test Rich Austin , Courtney Lot, Jonathan Crooks
  • Check In Tori Nielsen, Amy Brannen, Alicia Hughe, Nancy Alterman, Lorraine Head
  • Ambassadors Mary Trapp, Becky Nelson, Bob Clarkson, Michael Curling, Courtney Lott, Ian Mari, Joe Mazzeo
  • Raffle Hal Coleman,  Rick Meer, Bill Shore
  • Photographers Gary Garrett, Ian Mari
  • Program Committee  Susan Rumble - Coordinator,  Matt Millard, Dave Schmit

    District Awards

    Best Youth Project

    • Rotary Youth Exchange Inbound Student Alesia Booth, Vivian Bankston

    Best Vocational Service Project

    • Roswell UMC Job Networking  Craig Simons

    Significant Service

      • After Hours Club Chair Leigh Brown
      • CNC Unity Garden Lindsay Davies
      • Jackson, MS Water Crisis Allen Dalton
      • Golf & Tennis Czar & World Polio Day Cornhole Tournament  Leslie Bassett
      • The Rotary Foundation Matching Grant  Lee Hollingsworth
      • Membership Katie Anderson

      Rookie Rotarian of the Year Courtney Lott

      Rotarian of the Year Becky Nelson

      Congratulations to all and thank you for your service above self!

      Posted by Kathryn Igou
      June 27, 2023


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