Our Rotary Foundation
2021-2022 District Grant Close Out and 2022-2023 District Grant Application Deadlines

Happy Spring to all D6900 Rotarians

First, a huge THANK YOU to all clubs that have closed out their 2021-2022 District Grants. The deadline to close grants for 2021-2022 is March 31, 2022.  Your club must close by the deadline to be eligible to apply for a 2022-2023 District Grant.

Another THANK YOU goes out to all Rotarians involved in the grant process.  It has been a trying year, once again. This past Rotary year, COVID-19 was still a major factor in how we conducted our lives and the in-person grant training at District Training Assembly had to be cancelled. Despite all that, our bumps in the road were relatively few.

As District Grants Chair, I appreciate your dedication to the grant process to make a difference in your club and your community.  It is my hope that we continue to improve the grant process for easier use and changes will be coming soon:

·        The creation of District Grant Mentors team (strategically placed throughout the District to answer questions or present at your clubs)

·        Better training materials (streamlined flipbook with index to quickly access the area you need to answer your question – also will avoid duplicate instructions)

·        Removal of three-year maximum support requirement to one entity (effective the 2022-2023 year)

As always, suggestions are always welcome for making the process easier.  I will be scheduling Zoom training sessions next week to help you with your grant writing for 2022-2023 .  I will correspond via email to incoming President, Foundation Chairs, Grant Chairs, Service Project Chairs with dates so please make sure their officer/committee assignments are updated at rotary6900.org.

Here are the deadlines for the 2022-2023 Rotary year District Grant applications (Standard & Competitive):

·        March 31, 2022 – All 2021-2022 grants must be closed out to qualify for 2022-2023

·        May 15, 2022 – Application deadline for 2022-2023 DG’s

·        May 31, 2022 – Clubs notified of COMPETITIVE grant application approval or denial

·        Mid-July 2022 – All clubs notified of The Rotary Foundation approval* of your grant request

   *Spending must not begin until AFTER The Rotary Foundation approval

As of today, the grant amounts have yet to be finalized but, we believe, it will be similar to this past year's amounts - $1750 per club for standard grants plus, at least, one $10,000 competitive grant.  I encourage ALL clubs to apply for both the standard and competitive grants.

Please have your clubs designated grant representative submit your request prior to May 15th if possible so the grant(s) request can be reviewed by the District.  That will give you time to make any suggested or required changes prior to the deadline.

Be sure to review the resources section on the Districts Grants page on our rotary6900.org website prior to submitting your grant request(s).  The direct link is:  https://rotary6900.org/page/29 

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. I am more than happy to help your club request the funds necessary to change lives in your community.

Yours In Rotary Service,

Gillian Leggett

2022-2023 District Grants Chair


404.202.2409 (mobile) 

Posted by Gillian Leggett
March 25, 2022


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