From Our District Governor
Creating a Vibrant Game Plan

We have had a great start to our new Rotary year! Many of you have embraced our Youth and Peace in Action initiative; there's still time for more of you to join in - see the article later in the newsletter. District Grant projects are underway in your local communities. And soon we will be in SanDestin, renewing friendships and celebrating all that we did in 2020-21 under Kirk's leadership - and all we can accomplish going forward. 

This month, Rotary focuses on Membership. RI President Shekhar Mehta has a special initiative called "Each One, Bring One" designed to expand our reach and ability to do good in the world. He says "Rotary is a vibrant organization that has spread to nearly 200 countries and geographical areas and has a rich legacy of fighting to end polio. Don’t you think we could have a greater impact on the world if more people were practicing Service Above Self? Members like you are our greatest asset. But for the last 20 years, Rotary membership has remained stagnant. Through a program I am calling Each One, Bring One, I ask each of you to commit to welcoming one new person into Rotary or Rotaract in the next 12 months."  

We're going to talk about that and more in a special Saturday morning experience in SanDestin, where we're hosting Vibrant Club huddles. I hope you will join in as we focus on developing new plays for

  • delivering exceptional club experiences to our members
  • forming new clubs with new formats
  • attracting former and new members
  • serving our communities, and
  • much more!

Pick up new ideas, share your successes, and discuss ways to create value for your members. We will have a variety of subject matter experts available to answer questions. Come be part of the huddle!

And thanks for all you do as Rotarians to be a vibrant part of your communities and the world as we serve to change lives!!

Pictured: DG Mary with PDG Blake McBurney, Alpharetta Club President Mickey Roger and PDG Kirk Driskell

Posted by Mary Ligon
August 2, 2021


This Year’s Posts: