Attention Club Public Image Teams
Go Platinum with Your Public Image!

The Excellence in Public Image Coordination (EPIC) award presented by Zones 33-34 recognizes clubs for completing monthly tasks throughout the year.  Is your club on track? You can view your progress at https://elevaterotary.org/epic-status/.  All tasks and deadlines for each month can be found at https://elevaterotary.org/epic-award/.  Deadlines are approaching for the July, August and September tasks as those must be completed by October 31.

July – Public Image Audit

August – Public Image Plan

September – Content Calendar

Don't miss out on this opportunity to win a Platinum Award from our Zones for continuing to TELL OUR STORY across District 6900!

***If Help is need - Please reach out to your District Public Image Chair (Mandy Timmons, 678-438-7696, 10AuntMandy@gmail.com)

Posted by Mandy Timmons
September 28, 2024


This Year’s Posts: