Our Rotary Foundation
District 6900 Leads The Way In Giving

by Bob Hagan, District Foundation Chair

Amazingly we are halfway through the Rotary year! It’s a time when Club Presidents are evaluating where they are vs their own personal goals set and their clubs’ goals. It’s also a good time to take a look at where our district is vs our goals and as the Foundation Chair, I am no different. I must admit I do very much care about where our district is in the pecking order of our Zone 34. It is with great pleasure that I am able to report that District shows that we are ranked first in the following categories:

  • Polio Total Giving (Cash + DDF) by nearly $100,000
  • Polio Per Capita (cash + DDF)
  • Polio Per Club Ave (Cash only)
  • Polio Per Capita (Cash Only). We currently place second in Polio YTD % change.

District 6900 is also ranked first in Annual Fund Total Dollars and Annual Fund % Donor Participation. We currently place second in Annual Total # of PH Society Members. All of this is a wonderful start and now we want to maintain and extend as we move through the rest of the year.

Now that I have stated all of the above, don’t misunderstand me to say that all I care about is where we rank in these very important categories because that would be a fallacy. It’s very nice to see us showing well among our fellow districts but let us not lose sight of what our missions are and why we do it all. Our Service Above Self Motto never shows brighter than when we accomplish the tasks placed in front of us. 60 cents protects a child from Polio, $50 provides clean water to protect those from waterborne illnesses and $500 births a campaign to curtail bullying. It doesn’t take much in the whole scope of life to make a difference.

Our Mission within the Rotary Foundation is to aid all Rotary members push forward the world’s understanding of goodwill, peaceful coexistence, improvement of world health, environmental issues, education and easing the sting of poverty. It is too those ends we shall always strive. Ever vigilant.

It is my honor to have any small role in moving this all forward and a pleasure to do so with such a dedicated group of fellow District 6900 Rotarians. 

Posted by Bob Hagan
February 2, 2025


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