October 24, 2024
What Is Your Club Doing For World Polio Day?

World Polio Day is a great opportunity for your club to highlight the work Rotary and its partners are doing around the world to eradicate polio. Each year we vaccinate 400 million children and that takes money, lot's of money. Rotary has asked every club to contribute at least $1,500 USD to Polio Plus to help raise the $50,000,000 we need for the Gates Foundation match. Many of our clubs use World Polio Day as a "Fun-raiser" with events like pints for polio, poker tournaments, or corn hole championships. Rotary has great resources to help you promote World Polio Day on EndPolio.org. You can also submit your event to RI there or for a district award through your club scoreboard on Rotary6900.org.

Posted by Bob Hagan
October 1, 2024


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