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July 7, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/9 A New Beginning
7/16 Unsolved Cases - Jesse Evans
7/23 Behavioral Health - Dr. Ryan Breshears


7/15 Hump Day
7/28 Installation Party
8/12 Hump Day
8/20 Alive in Roswell


President Lynne Lindsay
President-Elect Terry Taylor
Immediate PP Gordon Owens
Treasurer Alex Kaufman
Secretary John Carruth
Foundation Don Horton
Membership Mike Agurkis
Public Image Lee Patrick, III
Service Nancy Alterman


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Community Activities Bldg
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online



To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

7/1 George Polatty, Jr.
7/2 Victoria Majchszak
7/5 Bob Hagan
7/6 Jack Wyche
7/7 Eddie Smith
7/8 Allison Judy
7/9 Stanley Moses
7/11 Craig Simons
7/12 Andy Williams
7/13 Dick Anthony
7/13 Scott Moscow
7/14 Matthew Ashman
7/15 Malone Dodson
7/16 Mike McRay
7/17 Jack Tolbert, Jr.
7/18 Susan Church
7/18 Debra Ewing
7/19 Alex Kaufman
7/19 Mark Snoddy
7/23 Dave Nelson
7/23 Steven Palmer
7/27 Walt Woliver
7/29 Matt Thomas
7/30 Dick Zorn
7/30 Samuel Pittman
7/31 Tom Lynch


7/1 Larry Harman (13)
21 years in Rotary
7/1 Kay Love (13)
7/7 Zachary Fields (4)
7/11 John Ross (3)
7/12 Rich Austin (8)
7/16 Joanna Spencer (5)
7/16 Don Horton (5)
7/16 Harvey Smith, III (28)
7/17 Dr. Betty Price (6)
7/17 Mike Agurkis (6)
7/17 Chris S Nelson (6)
7/17 Mark Snoddy (17)
20 years in Rotary
7/19 Ed Vaught, Jr. (5)
34 years in Rotary
7/20 Robert Button (20)
7/20 Michael Hernandez (20)
7/20 Don Rolader (20)
27 years in Rotary
7/22 Becky Stone (11)
7/25 Jack Tolbert, Jr. (35)
7/25 Pat Rains (12)
7/26 Joe Mazzeo (2)
7/26 Dave Hallman (19)
7/26 Zach Hunt (2)
7/27 Jo Anne Wright (3)
10 years in Rotary
7/28 John Webster (9)
7/28 Jack Wyche (15)
7/28 Chris Archer (9)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message
Rotary Opens Opportunties


Rotary International President Holger Knaack selected Rotary Opens Opportunities as this year’s theme. District Governor Kirk Driskell is carrying the same theme into his year. What a perfect choice as now is the right time to embrace new ideas, and action plans.  This week we will preview the year ahead and share some of the projects we plan to accomplish.  See you Thursday. 

Tuesday, July 28th 6:30 PM
RSVP For The Installation Party

Join us as we celebrate the installation of our officers and we're coming back “home” to our meeting location at the  Roswell Area Park. The Chattahoochee Nature Center has graciously provided their pavilion for a dinner catered by Lucia’s and we will rock the night away with tunes performed by the Martins Landing Band. Seating is limited to 150. You will not want to miss it!


Thursday, July 9th-July 23rd| 11:45 - 1:15 PM | Holiday Inn
Meeting Protocol

During the month of July, we will continue to meet at the Holiday Inn.   Please arrive by 11:45AM and make your way to a table. Do not add chairs to the tables as they are preset.  Please do not change seats once you have been seated. We will start calling table numbers to go through the buffet at 11:45AM so we can start at 12:15PM. The Holiday Inn is located behind the Olive Garden at 909 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30076.

Back to School
NFCC Backpack and Teacher Supplies Collection

Donations are needed for NFCC  backpacks and teacher classroom supplies.  We will start collecting at our July 9th meeting. Volunteers are also needed  to help pack the backpacks. 

Click here for the list of needed supplies. Backpack List

For more information contact June Brown  at meacert@mindspring.com  or 770-826-2283.   We will be glad to accept cash donations.   

Saturday, July 11 | 8AM - 10AM
Volunteer At The Rotary Learning Lab

Join us on Saturday morning before it gets too hot to help hang insulation at the Rotary Learning Lab for HomeStretch. Bring a staple gun, gloves and a utility knife if you have one. Contact Gordon Owens at (404) 597-5434 or go@godigtl.com if you would like to participate.

Saturday, July 11 | 11:00 AM
End Modern Slavery Virtual Panel

COVID-19 certainly hasn't stopped Dave McCleary from serving his passion and staying on the front lines of the fight to end modern day slavery. Dave has assembled a powerful panel of leaders in the fight for an open discussion via zoom on Saturday morning. We hope you can join the call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86296033889

Historic Roswell Beautification
Keeping Roswell in Bloom

Historic Roswell Beautification really needs your help keeping the hanging baskets and planters watered in the Historic District. Several businesses on the streets can provide water. Visit their website for more information: www.HRBProject.com. Click on VOLUNTEER to sign up to help. 

Wednesday, July 15th 5:30 - 8:00
Join Us For Hump Day at Houcks

Join your fellow Rotarians for a bit of mid week fun. Bring your significant other or a prospective member. Stop by for a drink or stay for dinner either way, we hope to see you there!

Charity Spotlight
North Fulton Community Charities


To build self-sufficiency and prevent homelessness and hunger in our community by providing emergency assistance and enrichment programs.

Fast Facts:

• Founded in 1983.

• Last year NFCC served 4,126 families (10,474 individuals) living in cities north of the Chattahoochee River.

• NFCC provided over $1.5M in assistance to families in need of rent, mortgage or hotel rooms, as well as utilities, to keep families stably housed.

• The food pantry provides fresh food and produce to 120 families per day for balanced nutrition meals and provides nine (9) tons of food per week.

• The thrift shop provides over $300,000 in vouchers to help NFCC families stretch limited household income.

• The Education Center provides free classes and activities to help unemployed and underemployed adults gain work force readiness training and life-skills. Last year 1,300 adults improved their employability and since the inception of the GED program approximately 200 students earned high school diplomas.

Find out more: www.nfcchelp.org

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