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January 17, 2022


January is Vocational Service Month

1/20 Mark Johnson - Mentalist
1/27 Steve Beecham - motivational speaker
2/10 Hearts for Honduras
2/17 John Maxell team


2/4 Roswell High School Career Day


President Terry Taylor
President-Elect John Carruth
Immediate PP Lynne Lindsay
Treasurer Nancy Alterman
Secretary Alex Kaufman
Past President Gordon Owens
Past President Becky Stone


Cheryl Greenway 2012-13
Bob Hagan 2015-16


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Roswell Area Park
Bill Johnson Community Activity Building
10495 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Rotary Online



To: 41411

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Ken Briggs
1/1 Andrew Dalby
1/1 Ron Redner
1/4 Jere Wood
1/7 Jeff Hamling
1/7 Trummie Patrick
1/10 Chris Good
1/12 Bruce Peoples
1/13 Michael Nielsen
1/21 Gary Garrett
1/23 Kurt Hilbert
1/24 William Noethling, Jr.
1/24 Jim Sturm
1/24 Kay Howell
1/25 David Bourne
1/26 Courtney Lott
1/27 Joseph Kincaid
1/30 William May
1/31 John Reddick
1/31 Blake Turner


1/3 Carleton Ohly (2)
1/3 Tina Houck (2)
1/4 Paul Lang (32)
1/4 Dick Zorn (32)
1/5 William Noethling, Jr. (5)
1/5 Kathryn Igou (5)
1/11 Ken Davis (15)
1/12 Jere Wood (4)
24 years in Rotary
1/16 Michael Nielsen (25)
1/16 Kym Leonard (8)
1/19 Susan Rumble (11)
1/20 Joseph Kincaid (17)
1/23 Jack Stephens (36)
1/24 Andy Williams (3)
7 years in Rotary
1/28 Chris Good (6)
1/30 Mindy Jones (25)
1/31 James Gray (24)
33 years in Rotary
1/31 A.D. Dalton (37)


Our membership cares deeply about the needs and concerns of our members. We don’t want to miss an opportunity to reach out in friendship when such concerns arise. The chairperson of this committee is Lynn Dunn and all news should be directed to her at lynn.dunn@rmcpa.com

President's Message

Taking the slide

Congratulations to our newest member of the Heavy Hitters Club, Alisia Booth!   She is relatively new to Roswell Rotary but yet she is always there to help when needed.   And that smile is contagious!   Thank you Alicia!

This last week we had a small group of Rotarians tour the Ron Clark Academy.   Ron has spoke at our club many times but you cant get the total impact of his school until you tour the facility and see Ron and his staff in action.  I can only hope that some of our local schools are willing to take the risk and make some form of alterations to the way we teach and engage with our students of Roswell.  At the end of the tour, you can return to the vestibule by way of the stairs or by way of the slide, with the slide representing taking a different rout with an element of risk.  Rotarians took the slide!   

Read my mind!
Mark Johnson- Rotarian & Mentalist & Psychic- Speaker for Jan. 20th meeting

A fellow Rotarian

Mark Johnson is the immediate past president of the Buckhead Rotary Club. He has been a member since 2001 and is a Paul Harris Fellow.

 It's Magic!

He is a nationally known mentalist and psychic entertainer who has performed all over the United States. He is a member of the Psychic Entertainers Association and the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He performs his unique show for corporate events, private parties, and more. He has also presented  his program to countless Rotary Clubs.

His Family

He is a native of Atlanta — four generations — and he and his wife, Rebecca, live in Smyrna with a Great Pyrenees dog who is still trying to figure out how she ended up in Cobb County.”

The Program

When asked to describe his program in three words, Mark said:  "Impossible to explain." Don't miss this fascinating meeting. 

If you can't be 'in person' for lunch
Zoomit, Maskit or Live - Join Us Thursday from Where Ever You Are

Zoomit, Maskit or Live, we are here for you! Roswell Rotary wants to make our meetings safe, available, convenient, and comfortable to all members and guest. So, if you feel comfortable with a mask or no mask, live or on zoom join is in any way that makes you feel comfortable and safe. 

If Zoom is more your style, we are going to have Zoom open for those who prefer to be in the comfort of their own home, office, or beach for that matter! Here is the link…………https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86497139508?pwd=QTBETGdwdjVrUjlCejBabWJ4eG55QT09

Business networking Rotary-style continues on Tue, Jan 18 6:30pm (and Tue Feb 15)
Smarter Business Development When It's with Fellow Rotarians (multi-club event)

This is an opportunity for you or someone on your staff, or someone you are interested in recruiting to Roswell Rotary.

Our last gathering again drew a crowd from the Atlanta Metro, Dunwoody, Peachtree City, Roswell, Sandy Springs and Tucker clubs. While it had similarities to other networking events, you knew that attendees honored the integrity of the 4 Way Test!

This is what Paul Harris formed Rotary for 1905. Professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and conduct business together. Paul Harris was networking well before the term “networking” was used to describe connecting people in order to build a business network.  

While Rotary is about "Service Above Self," there is a growing place for networking in Rotary, particularly for those responsible for generating revenue.

The next event moves to a new location for 2022:  

                Red Pepper Taqueria   4555 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30346, one block NE of Perimeter Mall

Please plan to join us on Tue, Jan 18 from 6:30 - 8:00pm. For more information, please contact Hal Schlenger HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com | (770-335-0077), or Johnathan Clark of the Tucker Club (johnathanmclark@gmail.com | 404.512.6058)

Volunteers Needed
Roswell High School Career Day Feb. 4

The Details

Date: Friday, February 4th

Place: Roswell High School

Time: Flexible with choice of any class period and more than one if you have the time. 

What: 20 min talk with the class to relay your story about your career. Classes include: Computer Science, AV Tech, Broadcast Video, Marketing, Engineering, Architectural Design, Carpentry/Electrical, Construction, Cosmetology, and JROTC

Topic Ideas: 

1. A brief history/background of yourself that led to your current career or job

2. Description and responsibilities of your career/occupation

3. Education/training required

4. Skills needed

5. Positive and negative aspects of your career/occupation

6. Salary range/pay (and benefits, any PERKS)

7. What classes or activities in school helped prepare you for this job

Ways to Make things Engaging: Storytelling is always great. Or, have the students complete a case study or brainstorm. Speakers can also bring in artifacts or use games like Kahoot or Jeopardy to engage the students.

Special Need: In the past, it has been difficult to find Cosmetology professionals. Please feel free to find Business Owners to speak to those students. Students who enter this profession will be tasked with operating a business.

Contact Michael Gould at michael@goulddigitalimaging.com or call his cell 770-617-2958 to volunteer or if you have questions.

Pint for a Pint -- or Because Donating Blood is the Right Thing to Do

Our club has shown that we're really good at rolling up ourr sleeves and give the gift that keeps on giving!  

The "deuces" will be wild when we get back together for the Roswell Rotary Gate City Blood Drive 2/22/22.

With that in mind...please either reserve a table for yourself OR if you can't give, get the word out about our drive and get at least 2 new family members or friends to Gate City for our drive.

Click here to reserve 60 minutes on Two's-day Feb 22nd to donate. For more information, contact Darrell Bartlett or  Hal Schlenger.   

As always, we want to thank Pat Rains and Michael Curling for their current and past help saving lives in our community.

You're Invited- Saturday Feb. 26 6:30pm - 10:30pm
Save the Date- Hearts for Honduras

The Facts about Honduras

$2 or less earned per day means living below poverty level

30% of children drop out of school to work for food

$150 feeds a child for the school year

70% of people in Honduras Live in Poverty

Saturday February 266:30pm - 10:30pm

    Join us for an exclusive event with Latin Cuisine and refreshing libations

    Latin Music by the Willie Ziavino & C.O.T Band

    The Artillery Room at Gate City, 932 Canton St. Roswell, GA 

    Reserved Seating Limited...Get Your Tickets Early!!!!

               BUY TICKETS                                               Can't Attend the Event? You can DONATE NOW

    Rotary dates to save
    Which of These Rotary Events are a Priority for You?

    This is what make earns Roswell Roswell such a great reputation ....and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend.....and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member.

    If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then share it with others!




    Tue, Jan 186:30pm - 8:00pmRotary Means Business District 6900 in Sandy Springs
    Fri, Feb 4school hoursRoswell High School Career Day
    Sat, Feb 19

    8:30am - 10:00am  

    Walk with a Doc at Sope Creek trail, river & mill ruins

    Tue, "2/22"9:00am - 5:00pmPint for a Pint Blood Drive (special guest at 2:22pm)
    Fri, Feb 266:30pm - 10:30pmHearts for Honduras

    Rotary Last Week

    Rotary Last Week
