Honoring Lives Lost 9-11 President John's Message
This week we remember the 2,977 people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 in the single largest foreign attack on American soil. We honor the memory of 441 first responders - fire, police and EMS - who died that day trying to rescue those trapped in buildings that had been hit, the greatest loss of emergency responders on a single day in American history. Last Saturday we honored our local Roswell first responders with our 3rd annual drive through cookout, serving all our firefighters and police officers on duty that day through two shifts. Thanks to our 9-11 Committee for hosting the cookout, the many Rotarians who volunteered, the North Fulton Rotary Club with their donation of cookies and help, and the Interact students who so capably served from Blessed Trinity and Roswell High Schools. This week we continue to honor our first responders in our meeting when we welcome our Police Chief James Conroy and Fire Chief Joe Pennino and members of their departments. Sept. 8th Program: Roswell Police Chief Jim Conroy & Roswell Fire Chief Joe Pennino James Conroy is currently the Chief of Police for the City of Roswell. He was selected for this position following a nationwide search and began serving the City of Roswell on July 29, 2019. Joe Pennino, Chief of Roswell Fire Department, was sworn in by former fire chiefs Ricky Spencer and Ricky Burnette in June 2019. The chiefs will be our featured speakers and will acknowledge sacrifices made by First Responders on 9/11. they will also update us on happenings at RPD and RFD. Looking forward to hearing from these special guests! [read more] It's Go time Golf and Tennis Tournament Sept. 12
We can’t wait for a great day of fun and fundraising for our charities! And it will be all because of you! Schedules for the golf and tennis are provided below. Important Note The morning golf flight is scheduled for a shotgun start at 7:30 am – this is 30 minutes EARLIER than previous years. Golf:
7:00 am Golf Registration First Flight Putting Green & Driving Range Open 7:30 am First Flight Golf – Shotgun Start 12pm Lunch 12:30pm Awards for Morning Golf Flight 12:30pm Golf Registration Second Flight Putting Green & Driving Range Open 1:00pm Ball Drop at Hole #10 1:30pm Second Flight Golf – Shotgun Start 6:00pm Awards for Afternoon Golf Flight Tennis:
8:30 am Tennis Registration (1st Flight) 9:00 am First Flight Begins 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Ball Drop 2:30 pm Tennis Registration (2nd Flight) 3:00 pm Second Flight Begins Can't wait to see everyone at the Tournament on Monday, Sept. 12th. That's next Monday! Golf Tournament Volunteers You Volunteered. Now What? Here are the Answers! Roswell Rotary Club Golf Tournament Volunteer Sign Up: Job Descriptions EVERYONE BRING A COMFORTABLE PORTABLE LAWN CHAIR For Detailed Volunteer Instructions for Hole #1, Hole #3, Hole #8, Hole #11, Hole #14, Hole # 15, Hole #16, Parking Attendants, & Floaters... click the Read More link... [read more] After Hours' Next Meeting is TONIGHT!
After Hours meets tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at The Artillery Room @ Gate City. Roswell Rotary's own Bob Clarkson will be the guest speaker! Bob will give his best advice for young people who want to purchase their first home, and answer all your burning questions. Additionally, everyone is encouraged to bring in their used grocery bags! The Unity Garden at the Chattahoochee Nature Center is in need of grocery bags, so RRAH is collecting them for donation. See you there! The Day the Chicken Didn't Make it to Rotary Past President Moment - Steve Stroud - 1993-94
Let's jump a decade from Frank Brown's presidency in the early 80's to 1993. The youngest president in Roswell Rotary history, 29 year old Steve Stroud assumed the reins in the summer of 1993. Our Golf Tournament was in its 15th year and for the first time we broke the $100,000 mark. And one Thursday morning Steve was greeted with the news that the refrigerator had broken and all the chicken was spoiled for our meeting that day...can you say Ham for Lunch! Come hear more about what went on in 1993-94 from Steve Stroud this week.
Sad News Alex Chranowski: Dear Friend of Roswell Rotary
Last week Roswell Rotary lost a great friend of our club. Alex Chrzanowski was a history teacher and coach at Roswell High School who loved his country and our veterans. He went on every Honor Air flight our club sponsored except for one. He followed up with his veterans, creating long time friendships. Lots of the WWII veterans he was able to meet on our trips came to speak during his history classes providing meaningful lessons for our high school students.
The funeral plans include Visitation on Thursday, Sept. 22 from 5 to 8 PM at Northside Chapel Funeral Home and a Funeral service on Friday, Sept. 23 at 2 PM at St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church. New Member Spotlight Welcome New Member: Warren Parson
Schools attended- Georgia State University Major- Business Administration with a concentration in marketing Where you live and have lived- I have been in Georgia my whole life. Just recently moved from Lilburn to Smyrna Spouse- Melissa Parsons- we have been married for 5 years this October Kids and ages- No kids, but we do have 7 fur babies. 3 dogs (Honey, Hank ,and Magnolia) 4 cats (Petey, Luna, Little Bit, and Gizmo) All are adopted, which is a passion of ours. Other involvement in community- Giving back through Scouting and making sure that North Fulton continues to be a strong place for Scouting. Career- Atlanta Area Council, and the Boy Scouts of America Anything interesting!- I taught drumlines all over the state for about 10 years after while also marching all over the country through different circuits. I have an extensive Hot Wheel’s collection, and have a huge interest in cars. I own a 1982 F-100 that I will be starting the rebuilding process on soon. My wife and I are also massive Atlanta United fans, and try to never miss a game. Why you joined Rotary- I joined Rotary so that I can become part of the community that I serve in Scouting. I love meeting new people and making connections so that I can best help with the delivery of a quality Scouting program for all of the youth in my District. Roswell Rotary Members: Let's show Warren how we welcome new members to our club! Take a moment to shake his hand, eat lunch with him at your table, invite him to help with your projects, invite him to Alive in Roswell or a Hump Day to meet people, find several things that you two have in common! It's hard to be new. Let's make it fun and exciting to onboard into our club! Help Keep Roswell Waterways Beautiful Rivers Alive Sept.17 31st Annual Rivers Alive! Cleanup Saturday, Sept. 17, 2002 8am - 12pm This event, cohosted by Keep Roswell Beautiful and the City of Roswell, is part of a statewide campaign to clean and preserve Georgia’s 70,100 miles of rivers and streams. This year, cleanup sites will include Riverside Park, Waller Park, Don White Memorial Park, Seven Branches, Old Roswell Cemetery, and sections of Big Creek, Foe Killer Creek, and Hog Waller Creek. To participate email Dutch Earle, hearle@esisearch.com, include names of all participants AND register on the website at www.keeproswellbeautiful.org/rivers-alive. Add To Calendar [read more] Save the Date Gary Garrett's Farm Day Event- Saturday October 1st
Mark your calendars now for a Day at the Farm! Gary Garrett hosts this amazing day out in the country every fall. And it is always a blast! New members, be sure to be there and bring your families. Four wheeling, grilling, pot luck, adult beverages, and a great opportunity to be with your Roswell Rotary family! Make sure you have Oct. 1 on your calendar! Add To Calendar Getting Hammered by Fees Announcing Credit Card Convenience Fee of 3% beginning Sept. 15th
Last year our Rotary Club incurred over $8,500 in credit card fees. In order to be good stewards of our funds, in August the Board of Directors of our Club approved a convenience fee of 3% for credit card transactions commencing on September 15th. This is in line with the vast majority of Rotary clubs in our district. Members may continue to use online payments and checks without incurring any fees. Why Paul Harris founded Rotary: Have a trusted community to do business with!
There are plenty of networking events every day and hoards of prospects to pursue. How do you prioritize them? Rotarians actively practice 'Self Above Self' and Rotarians are well connected (read 'well networked'). The reason that Paul Harris founded Rotary: Have a trusted community to do business with 6:00pm Networking starts
6:15pm 25 second intros so you know who you want to talk with 6:45pm Continue networking While you are welcome to bring business cards, we'll send you the attendee list after the event.
September 20, 2022 6:00 pm— 8:00 pm
NEW Location: Eclipse di Luna
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346
across the street from Perimeter Mall| Free parking NEW Location: Eclipse di Luna
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 across the street from Perimeter Mall| Free parking
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 across the street from Perimeter Mall| Free parking For more information, contact Ken Carter at Ken.Carter@FloorCoveringsInternational.com / 404.386.3214 or Hal Schlenger at HSchlenger@GreatSouthBenefits.com / 770-335-0077 You May Be Here By Yourself if You Don't Remember No Meeting Next Week- September 15thReminder to Club: Remember that there will not be a regular Rotary club meeting on Thursday, September 15th as we all get a break after our Golf and Tennis Tournaments. Enjoy the week off.
Save the dates This is where Roswell Rotary's Magic Happens. How will you help?
This is what earns Rotary such a great reputation...and "Club of the Year" recognition. Plan to attend many of these events...and think about bringing a friend or prospective new member. If you believe in Rotary's mission and recognize the value our club brings to our community and our world, then participate -- and share it with others!
44th Annual Aubrey Greenway Golf Tournament
Add To Calendar Mon, Sep 12 All day 10th Annual Hagan Cup Classic Tennis Tournament Add To Calendar Mon, Sep 12 Rivers Alive- Chattahoochee River Clean Up
Add To Calendar Sat. Sept 17 TBA Rotary Means Business for District 6900
Add To Calendar Tue, Sep 20 6:00pm - 8:00pm (new start time) Gary Garrett's Farm Day
Add To Calendar Sat, Oct 1 TBA Youth Day Parade
Add To Calendar Sat, Oct 8 TBA Red Cross Blood Drive Add To Calendar Tue, Oct 25 TBA