Roswell Rotary & City of Roswell Present
Don't Run this one Memorial Day Ceremony Monday, May 30, 2022

Roswell Remembers 23rd Annual Event

The 23rd annual Roswell Remembers Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, May 30th at Roswell City Hall, 38 Hill Street.

A joint effort with the City of Roswell, the grounds open at 10:00 a.m. with displays and music. The program will include a military ceremony, presentation of colors, the national anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, POW/MIA tribute and the laying of the wreath by the family of Jeff Pruitt.

New this year is Roswell Garden Club’s dedication of the Blue Star & Gold Star Families Memorial Markers. The Blue Star Marker is a tribute to all those who have served, are serving and will serve in the United States Armed Services. The Gold Star Families Marker is a tribute to those who have lost a loved one in service to the United States.

At the conclusion of the program, lunch may be purchased through food trucks on the ground. 

Contact Dave Young, Memorial Day Committee Chair at nfultonpt@juno.com with questions. This is a great opportunity for ALL Roswell Rotarians to serve those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today. 

Click here for video from Roswell Remembers 2019

Posted by David Young
May 30, 2022


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