President's Message

Fulton County Board of Health will begin taking contact information for Adults age 65 and over and their caregivers and First Responders who are interested in receiving a vaccination around January 11, 2021.  I hope that many of you will be at the top of the list in receiving the vaccine.  Visit their website at fultoncountyboh@org  for updated information. 

Fran Smith:  This past week we loss a devoted Rotarian.  Fran Smith passed Thursday, Jan. 7th.  A member of Roswell Rotary for over 22 years, she lived the 4 way test.  For years Fran served with the Family or Rotary, reaching out to others in need.  She traveled on mission trips to help with vision care.  Fran was always one the first to assist with senior programs.  She  rarely missed a meeting.  Fran had a contagious smile and a big heart.    

Please keep Fran's family in your thoughts and prayers.  She will be missed. 

Posted by Lynne Lindsay
January 12, 2021


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