Sandy Springs Supports Distance Learning

The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs celebrated the holiday season by giving back to the community. Living up to their motto of “Service Above Self”, the club proudly donated $1,920 to the Sandy Springs Charter Middle School to help distance learning during the COVID crisis. John Neill, SSRC President says that the club was incredibly pleased to provide eight hotspot devices to enable distance learning for students who may not have internet access at home." The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs has been active in serving our community for over 48 years. Education has always been one of our highest priorities for service projects," says John.

When asked for her thoughts during the presentation, principal Laurie Woodruff said: Thank you all for coming out to visit Sandy Springs Middle School today to share in the excitement of providing hotspots to our families! I feel fortunate to have an amazing organization such as Rotary Club of Sandy Springs invested in supporting our school and community. I know that our partnership will continue to flourish, with the students of SSCMS being the ultimate beneficiaries. Caption for photo:

Pictured are Rotary District 6900 Assistant Governor, Brian Noyse - Chief Communications Officer, John Neill – Sandy Springs Rotary Club President, Laurie Woodruff – Principle Sandy Springs Charter Middle School, Ashley Garrison – Office of Grant Development and Community Engagement and PDG Jim Squire.

Posted by Todd Lawrimore
January 10, 2021


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