From Our District Governor
Giving Thanks ... for Our Families, Our Foundation and the Difference We Make

As the holiday season approaches, I am excited like you to enjoy quality time with my family. I am also grateful for all that our Rotary family is able to do in our communities and around the world. And I am reminded of The Rotary Foundation and how it helps power the work we do. It seems appropriate that the month of Thanksgiving is also Rotary Foundation Month.

The Rotary Foundation’s mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, good will and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty. Through the Foundation, our financial gifts are multiplied creating the catalyst that transforms our donations into service projects around the globe. Over the past 100 years, The Rotary Foundation has provided more than $4 billion dollars on projects funded and executed by Rotarians just like you and me. We have the ability to come together and have a huge impact.

I have been amazed to see how each of you and your clubs continue to give to your local communities and the Foundation. I know that there are needs in our local communities now more than ever and I understand your commitment to fulfill them. I realize that in many cases your attention is going to be drawn to those needs first. During these times please look ahead to all the work that will need to be done as well in the future. We need our Foundation to be strong and well-funded like it is now so we can continue to serve and fund projects like we have for over a 100 years.

Our Foundation is very unique in the way that it is structured. The money that is given to the annual fund this year is invested for three years and the investment earnings go toward the expenses of the Foundation. The principal is then split 50/50 between the District Designated Fund and the World Fund to continue the work around the globe. With over 92% of the funds spent on program awards and operations we continue to maintain Charity Navigator’s highest level of recognition of 4 Stars.

While this month is Foundation month, you will be hearing more all year about the good works our members, our clubs and our district are doing. If you have any questions or need any additional information about the Foundation, please reach out to me or anyone on our District Foundation team. I am excited to see all that we are able to do as a District because of our members’ commitment to our Foundation – and hope that commitment continues well into the future.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


Editor's Note: Pictures include DG Kirk at Emory Druid Hills and Bainbridge.

Posted by Kirk Driskell
November 10, 2020


This Year’s Posts: