From Our District Governor
Enjoying the Fellowship of Rotary

Did you know that June is designated as Rotary Fellowship Month. I know that many of you are like me and have missed a lot of fellowship opportunities over the past year. The picture here was taken recently as the Rotary Club of Roswell was getting ready to celebrate its 70th anniversary - and I was able to enjoy an evening with Past RI Vice President Anne Matthews and Roswell Rotarians.

As we look towards the end of this Rotary year, I am excited to be able to gather with you in Sandestin in August. If you were not able to secure one of the tickets for dinner Saturday night do not worry. You are still invited and we want you to come an join in all the weekend fun. Be on the look out for an email with more information and - we hope - the ability to be able to open up more tickets for Saturday night dinner. Go ahead a reserve a room so you can come an enjoy all the fellowship.

In recognition of Rotary Fellowship month I wanted to share with you some information on Rotary Fellowships. Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion. Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience. Rotary Fellowships began when Rotarians organized a group of boating enthusiasts, which became the Yachting Fellowship. This joining together to share common interests and activities gained attention and operated over the years under various names as World Fellowship Activities; International Vocational Contact Groups; Rotary Recreational and Vocational Fellowships; and finally Rotary Fellowships.

Fellowship activities are across a wide variety of interest, vocations, hobbies and special interest. Many are formed purely for social purposes while other use their fellowship to serve in their area they are passionate about. Rotary Fellowships are international, independently organized groups of Rotarians, Rotary partners, and Rotaractors who share a common interest. This month recognizes the opportunity to have fun, make new friends around the world and enhance the experience of Rotary that belonging to a Rotary Fellowship enables.

There are currently over 60 Rotary Fellowships. To find more information. go to: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-programs/more-fellowships

Posted by Kirk Driskell
June 3, 2021


This Year’s Posts: