April 7 Speaker- Marc Walley
A Walk in the Woods

Forest Investments, Georgia Forestry & the Environment

What you don't know about Forestland 

    We are thrilled to welcome Marc Walley to join us Thursday, April 7th, for an inspiring and informative discussion about the woodlands that we surround us here in Georgia. Here is a taste of Marc's presentation: 

    • Forestland is a unique asset class favored by astute investors
    • Forest products industry is the backbone of Georgia’s economy
    • Sustainable forestry provides important environmental benefits
  • About Marc

Marc A. Walley is President and Chief Executive Officer of Forest Investment Associates (FIA) in Atlanta, Georgia, a Registered Investment Advisor specializing in forestland investments for corporate and public pension clients, university endowments, foundations and high net worth individuals.  FIA has 52 employees and manages 2.2 million acres of timberland investments valued at approximately $4.3 billion dollars.  The firm operates in 16 states as well as Brazil and Chile in South America.  At FIA, Marc also chairs the Executive and Investment Committees and serves on the company’s Board of Directors.         

Marc is a Registered Forester and has been a featured speaker on timber investments at numerous industry conferences and forestry school classes.  He is a member of the Society of American Foresters and holds a B.S. in Forestry from Auburn University, where he is Chairman of the Campaign Leadership Team for the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and a member of the Alumni Advisory Council.  In 2017, Marc was selected by his peers as the School’s Outstanding Alumni.   Marc serves on the Board of Directors for the National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO), a national advocacy organization committed to advancing federal policies that ensure our working forests provide clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and jobs through sustainable practices and strong markets. He also serves on the Board of Directors and is immediate past chairman of the Longleaf Alliance, a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystem.  Marc is also a member of the City of Milton Greenspace Advisory Committee, a team appointed by the mayor and city council to identify and recommend land acquisitions within the city to preserve and protect the rural character of the area.               

Marc was born in Auburn, Alabama in 1961 and graduated from Auburn University in 1985.  He met his wife, Penny, while in college.  They have been married 37 years and reside in Milton, Georgia.  They are members of Roswell First Baptist Church where they have served for 26 years in numerous leadership positions.  Marc and Penny have two daughters, Adrienne (31) and Madison (28); and three grandchildren.

Resources to learn more: 

For more information on Forest Investment Associates, visit www.forestinvest.com

For more information on the Longleaf Alliance, visit www.longleafalliance.org  

For more information on the National Alliance of Forest owners, visit https://nafoalliance.org/  

Posted by Susan Rumble
April 4, 2022


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