Update from 2022 Rotary International Convention
June 16 Program- RRC highlights of Rotary International Convention in Houston TX

Amazing Experience- Put this event on your wish list for future

Our Rotary Club was represented by past (and one upcoming) club president superstars in Houston last week. Incoming president 2022-23 John Carruth, Past Presidents Bob Hagan 2008-09 & Dist. Gov 2015-16), Dave McCleary 2011-12, Elwyn Gassert II 2009-10 and Lynne Lindsay 2020-21 were all there and sent exciting reports of all they experienced: 

  • Astronaut Charles Duke who walked on the moon
  • Ukrainian flag received 2 standing ovations. Their Delegation sat right in front of the RRC group
  • Ukrainian relief story told. Rotarians donated $15,000,000 through Foundation and much more from individual districts 
  • Ukrainian doctor and Rotarian told story of coping in a war zone
  • Update on Polio effort. Only 8 wild cases in 2 countries this year
  • Met incoming RI president Jennifer Jones, first woman Rotary International President...History in the making!
  • End Human Trafficking breakout
  • Breakout on Menstrual Health which offered additional ideas for our Grace Period pilot project
  • Attendees received Houston Astros replica World Series participation trophies (aka AL championship rings) at Astros-Mariners game
  • Group toured the Houston Space Center including one of the space shuttles
  •  and much more…
Posted by Lynne Lindsay
June 14, 2022


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