Sat, 4/20 at 9:00am: Your body is asking for this
Walk with a Doc AND Potluck Picnic

Guest speaker:   Pain management specialist Dr Joseph Kundukulam will speak about "Are pills your friend or enemy?"We'll meet at Roswell's Riverside Park and walk across the street into the Vickery Creek section of the Chattahoochee NRA for your choice of a 2 or 3 mile hike

Our next hike (scheduled for April 20) will be followed by community 'potluck' snack time. Our last potluck was a wonderous collection of family recipes and a few healthy treats, so you've invited (optional) to think of something you'd love to share.Location: Roswell's Riverside Park

Contact Hal Schlenger hschlenger@greatsouthbenefits.com or Betty Price emcp@mindspring.com for more info.

Posted by Hal Schlenger
April 20, 2024


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