Update Youth Servcies
Volunteers Still Needed

Big THANK YOU to those who attended or reached out last week to learn more about Youth Services Committee.

Youth Services is open for projects, awards, and recognitions!  BUT, we are not fully staffed... these are areas needing a leader like you: 

> Roswell Youth Exchange (RYE) needs a new coordinator because Alesia Booth (who has been doing it for 5 years) has accepted a RYE position at the District level so she needs to train her replacement.  This is a foreign exchange high school student program. Very exciting.  Our student just arrived from Japan!

> Interact Club: We have 16 Interact Clubs across Roswell's elementary, middle, and high schools.  But… we have 11 Interact Clubs who need 2 Rotary liaison

  • Blessed Trinity to work with Bill Swank
  • Centennial HS to work with Alan Greensmith 
  • The Cottage High School Club to work with Ron Cowan
  • The Cottage Middle School Club to work with Sid Disher
  • Elkins Point Middle to work with Michael Schoppenhorst
  • Holcomb Bridge Middle to work with Gabriel Prado
  • Independence HS to work with Lynn Dunn
  • Mt. Park Elementary to work with Joe Gillespie
  • Roswell North Elementary to work with Vivian Bankston 
  • Sweet Apple Elementary to work with Laura White (David)
  • Vickery Mill Elementary to work with Stacy Perlman 

 We are hosting a Team Fishing Derby with the Roswell Parks & Rec on Saturday, Oct 19th.  We need a few more people on the committee.

This is your chance!  Don't delay!

You are invited to volunteer with youth-related events throughout the year, as well: Youth Day Parade, Career Day at Roswell HS and (new this year) The Cottage School, Laws of Life, Leadership 20/20, Read Across America, Roswell Relays, and Scholarships! Please contact:

Becky Nelson                            James Stone
404.406.6121                            229.724.8550
bnelson@cchl.com                    james@stonelaw.com

Posted by Becky Nelson
August 27, 2024 8:00am


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