Fishing Derby

The Fishing Derby was a collaboration with the City of Roswell Parks & Recreation, Roswell Interact, Senior Services and Members of Roswell Rotary.  This is the brainchild of Becky Nelson and promises to be a repeatable event.  Each child was provided a bamboo fishing rod and supplied tackle box.  The bamboo rods were harvested from the Roswell Park and cut to size by the City of Roswell Staff and Roswell Rotarians.  We were able to get local merchants to supply the items needed for the tackle box.  Interact students were on hand to sign in the children and their adult partner.  Awards were given for biggest, smallest, prettiest fish.  We had refreshments available to all children and adults.  Roswell Rotarians were able to assist Interact Students and other children to learn the art of Fishing.  

Partner Involvement
City of Roswell Parks & Recreation Roswell High School Interact North Fulton Senior Services